Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
Athletes and Insulin, Carbohydrate Timing and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 327

High carb intake and endurance sports go hand-in-hand, but is this damaging to your health? Join us and Orange Seal Off-Road’s Hannah Finchamp as we dig into the relationships of glucose, insulin, and workout intensity to know how you can prioritize health and performance, and much more!
More show notes and discussion in the TrainerRoad Forum.
Topics covered in this episode
- Intro 0:12
- What happens when our bodies eat sugar? 5:21
- How does insulin work? 8:38
- How does activity affect insulin? 15:52
- Are high-carb endurance athletes at risk of becoming diabetic? 20:30
- Data-driven ways to plan meal timing 50:59
- Hannah’s tips for bike choice 1:30:40
- A pro’s guide to chaotic race starts 1:35:59
- Live questions and answers 1:53:54
Resources mentioned in this episode
- Threshold Intervals for Cyclists: Benefits, Examples, and Tips for Success
- +61w FTP and Full-Distance Tri Finish with Lauren Hackney – Successful Athletes Podcast Episode 60
- Successful Athletes Podcast
- Adaptive Training
- Hannah’s Instagram
- TrainerRoad’s Instagram
- Coach Jonathan’s Instagram
- Coach Chad’s Instragram
- Regulated transport of the glucose transporter GLUT4
- Exercise, GLUT4, and skeletal muscle glucose uptake
- Insulin and insulin resistance
- Exercise alleviates lipid-induced insulin resistance in human skeletal muscle-signaling interaction at the level of TBC1 domain family member 4
- Exercise-Induced alterations in intramyocellular lipids and insulin resistance: The athlete’s paradox revisited
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Continuous vs interval training on glycemic control and macro- and microvascular reactivity in type 2 diabetic patients
- Update on the effects of physical activity on insulin sensitivity in humans
- Moderate-Intensity Exercise and High-Intensity Interval Training Affect Insulin Sensitivity Similarly in Obese Adults
- The Effect of Regular Exercise on Insulin Sensitivity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Effects of exercise and lack of exercise on glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity
- Changes in Aerobic Capacity and Visceral Fat but not Myocyte Lipid Levels Predict Increased Insulin Action After Exercise in Overweight and Obese Men
- Muscle Oxidative Capacity Is a Better Predictor of Insulin Sensitivity than Lipid Status
- Update on the effects of physical activity on insulin sensitivity in humans
- Increased Skeletal Muscle Capillarization After Aerobic Exercise Training and Weight Loss Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Adults With IGT
- The “Ups” and “Downs” of a Bike Race in Type 1 Diabetes: Dramatic Differences in Blood Glucose Responses from the Paris to Ancaster Spring Classic
- Ryan Standish’s Instagram
- The TowWhee Adventure Tow Strap– Stretches for Cyclists: 5 Stretches You Should Know
Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
Successful Athletes Podcast
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