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Category: Training

Cramping 101

Cramping 101: Prevention and Treatment

Exercise-associated muscle cramps can be a frequent issue for endurance athletes. If you experience exercise-associated muscle cramps you can use sodium intake, hydration, stretching and maybe even some hot sauce to proactively treat and prevent your muscle cramps.

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So Your FTP Dropped… Now What?

FTP is just a number used to calibrate training, but many cyclists see it as a status symbol, and seek a constantly improving value as validation. Why does FTP occasionally decline, and what do you do next?

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Riding by Feel: TrainerRoad Outside Workouts With RPE

RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) is a subjective assessment of how hard you feel like you’re riding. It’s a great way to maintain structure during outside rides when a power meter is not available. TrainerRoad offers all of our Outside Workouts in an RPE-based version.

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From Novice to Cat 1: How USAC Upgrade Points & Categories Work

Knowing why the upgrade point system exists and how to get points can not only help you upgrade categories faster, but it can also help you understand why it may be a good idea to stick around in your current category for as long as you can. This article includes the updates made to the…

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