Raising your functional threshold power and VO2 max capacity aren’t the only ways to get faster. Improvements in your cycling economy are also on the table and can come with major performance benefits. Here’s how you can actively target your cycling economy with additions to your training and adjustments to your form.
Category: Training
Training for a Century: Be Prepared for Your First 100 Mile Ride
Taking on a century ride can be a daunting task, especially when it’s your first. But with the right century training plan, you’ll be ready for the long haul. With these training tips and tricks, you can feel confident that you’ve got the necessary information to nail your first 100-mile ride.
Why Does Heart Rate Increase During Exercise and How It Affects Cycling Performance
Your heart rate naturally increases during exercise to fuel your muscles with oxygen. How can you improve your capacity to uptake oxygen and get faster?
How to Increase FTP and Train Endurance
Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is a crucial cycling metric. Increasing your FTP improves your ability to hold higher power for longer—making you a faster cyclist. In this guide, we’ll cover the best ways on how to increase FTP.
Cycling Base Training: Why and How to Build Your Aerobic Base
You can build a strong aerobic base, in a time efficient and effective manner, with a structured base training plan. Here’s why base training and aerobic fitness are important for every cyclist and how you can make sure you’re building your base properly for the season and goals that you have.
Anaerobic Workouts & Intervals For Cyclists: How They Make You Faster
Cyclists use the anaerobic system to power over hills, close gaps in the pack, and attack off the front to win races. How can you use anaerobic intervals to become a faster rider?
Sweet Spot Intervals: How to Execute Them
Sweet Spot intervals are one of the most effective ways to get faster. And while they might feel difficult now, you can quickly improve your ability to nail these types of workouts. Let’s take a look at how to execute your Sweet Spot intervals.
Normalized Power®: What It Is and How to Use It
Normalized Power (NP)® is a mathematically adjusted measurement of average cycling power, designed to better reflect the variable experience of riding a bike. How does Normalized Power work, and how can you use it to analyze your performance and get faster?
Workout Profiles: Build Specific Fitness
Workout Profiles give you a more detailed view of the intervals needed to build the specific fitness required for your goals. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Workout Profiles.
Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing a Mid Volume Plan
Mid-volume training plans are best for athletes who can handle a higher training load but still want flexibility in their training schedules. You can determine if mid-volume is right for you by looking at your current training volume, goals, fitness, and schedule.