FTP Improvements From TrainerRoad Athletes

Improvement comes in all shapes and forms. But behind every improvement, there’s always hard work, consistency, and dedication. In this round of Success is for Everyone, three TrainerRoad athletes share the training plans and strategies that helped them reach their goals and raise their FTP’s along the way.

Ant C.
Ant signed up with TrainerRoad to prepare for an upcoming XC Marathon race. When he started with his first TrainerRoad training plan, he had over ten years of cycling experience but no experience with structured training.
His first Ramp Test measured his FTP at 242w. After completing the high-volume Base, Build, and Specialty XC Marathon plan, in twenty eight weeks, he raised it to 325W.
“The combination of podcast/youtube and variation in the plan has been great for motivation and education (training advice, nutrition, race strategy, etc.) as has seeing constant improvement in FTP and ultimately when I do hook up with friends (which is what its all about), I’m going better and faster than I ever have (which is also what its all about)”
Ant’s advice for other athletes is to listen to the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast for education and motivation then trust the process. He says, “As much as the structured training, the podcasts are invaluable for providing education and motivation. If you’re like me and have ridden exclusively outdoors, then structured workouts suck initially, but they do get better to the point that 2 hours is easy. The progression of workouts, provided with structured training, are really confidence-inspiring, motivating, and also keep you engaged as you can see the progression.”

Xavier S.
Xavier got started with TrainerRoad this season to train for gravel racing. When he completed his first FTP assessment, his FTP was measured at 224W. Since completing the mid-volume Sustained Power Build Plan and the mid-volume Gran Fondo Specialty plan, he’s raised his FTP by 49 watts.
With these training blocks under his belt, Xavier has the fitness and the confidence to be fast on race days. He says the training plans “gave me the confidence to ride faster. During the race, I knew I was well prepared.”
Xavier’s advice for other athlete’s is to be consistent. “Consistency is Key.”

Jamie B.
Jamie is a half-distance triathlete with three years of triathlon and cycling experience. Before using TrainerRoad, Jamie hadn’t done any structured cycling training. His first TrainerRoad training plan was a modified Sustained Power Build plan with three to four training sessions each week. Using TrainerRoad has allowed Jamie to increase his FTP by twenty percent and improved his ability to hold a high percentage of his FTP for prolonged periods of time.
Jamie says the increased cycling fitness has also had a positive impact on his running and overall health. Jamie says that “The bike/cardiovascular fitness transferred nicely across into my run performance. Physiologically, I saw a great improvement in health metrics, i.e., RHR, body composition.”
Jamie encourages any athlete training with TrainerRoad to “Have complete faith in the plans and workouts, knowing that they will get you to your goals providing you follow them as they’re designed. Plan builder will sort you right out. If in doubt, use the podcasts to help you determine where to start.”
Success is for everyone, and that includes you! With the right training plan structured for you and your goals, you can increase your FTP and shape your fitness for the demands of your racing or discipline of riding. Get started by building your own custom training plan with Plan Builder.
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