You can now schedule Group or Solo Rides for as long as 5 hours as part of your training plan, and Adaptive Training will give you instructions on how to ride in order to get the intended benefit from your training plan.
New sport types supported by TrainerRoad and Red Light Green Light!
Calling all multisport athletes, swimmers, and doers of any other types of training! New sport types are officially available for Early Access on the TrainerRoad website and apps! These new sport types show you a FULL look at your training history which is now used to help inform Red Light Green Light, our intelligent fatigue prevention feature.…
New Triathlon and Masters Triathlon Plans!
Today, we’re launching Masters Triathlon training plans and updating our existing Triathlon plans, including Masters triathlon plans that use a 2:1 load-to-recovery week ratio, standardized 3:1 load-to-recovery ratio for non-masters plans, improved ramp rates and trajectories for all 3 disciplines, and more.
🎉 Masters Plans and More! 🎉
Today, we’re launching Masters training plans, lowering the intensity of our existing plans, and adding the ability to change the workout duration of any workout in a plan!
Sync and Analyze Your Runs in TrainerRoad
You can now upload and analyze your running activities on TrainerRoad. Simply connect your Strava or Garmin Connect accounts to TrainerRoad and the work is done automatically for you!
FTP Testing is a Thing of the Past: Introducing AI FTP Detection
Fitness tests are a thing of the past. Whether you train indoors, outside, or a mix of both, AI FTP Detection automatically analyzes every ride to detect your FTP—no tests or all-out efforts required. It’s available now for every TrainerRoad athlete.
What is Bonking? Causes, Dangers, and Prevention
Bonking is a dreaded experience, an exhaustion of fuel and shutdown of the body’s ability to exert itself. The term gets thrown around a lot, but if you’ve ever felt it you know how bad it can be, and how hard it is to recover from. So just what is a bonk, why is it a bad thing, and how can you avoid it?
VO2 Max Training for Cyclists: How to Improve Your VO2 Max and Get Faster
VO2 max is not fixed, and structured training can significantly improve this key factor, especially if maintained consistently over the long-term. Let’s take a look at how.
10 Essential Training Lessons From TrainerRoad Athletes
With over 100 million workouts completed during the last ten years, TrainerRoad athletes have gained an incredible amount of experience, so we asked what useful tips they’d learned along the way.
Cycling Recovery Drinks: What and When to Drink After Your Ride
Cycling recovery drinks are the quickest and surest way to get in the calories, carbs, and protein you need after your workout. There are numerous benefits to recovery drinks, and timing them correctly will help you feel confident that your glycogen stores are replenished for your next workout.