Recovery is key to getting faster, but it seems to take longer as we get older. Luckily, there are many factors beyond age that influence your ability to recover.
Planning Training and Finding Motivation For A Year Without Racing
Events are cancelled, and athletes are wondering whether to continue their training plans or restart base. With consistency, this season can have long term benefits either way.
Consistency Makes You Faster
Consistent training makes you faster and can even prevent training setbacks. Here’s how you can keep your training consistent and adjust your plan to reinforce your long term goals.
Goal Setting, Beginner Tips, Weight Loss and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 239
Goal setting for the new year, a beginners checklist to start indoor cycling, nutrition strategies to lose weight through cycling and more is all covered in Episode 239 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.
Pain, Stretching, Strength and more with The Ready State’s Kelly Starrett – Ask a Cycling Coach 222
The Ready State’s Dr. Kelly Starrett joins Coach Jonathan at Strava HQ for a talk on how to be faster through mobility, stretching, strength training, injury prevention and much more.