Fitness tests are a thing of the past. Whether you train indoors, outside, or a mix of both, AI FTP Detection automatically analyzes every ride to detect your FTP—no tests or all-out efforts required. It’s available now for every TrainerRoad athlete.
What is a Good FTP and How do I raise it? (Comparison Charts)
In this article, we’ll walk you through what FTP is, how to improve it, and go over the data to help you understand what a good FTP is.
The Top 10 Guaranteed Ways to Get Slower at Cycling
TrainerRoad’s one and only mission is to make you a faster cyclist. But what if, for some reason, you wanted to get slower? Here are our top tips for getting worse at cycling.
Ramp Test Makes FTP Testing More Efficient and Less Stressful
The Ramp Test assesses FTP and gradually increases power in one-minute steps until the rider cannot maintain the target power. It is the most efficient and accurate way to assess your fitness on TrainerRoad. Compared to traditional FTP tests, it hurts less, removes pacing from the equation, and takes less time to complete. After taking…
How to Get Your Best FTP Test Results
Getting your best FTP test results don’t happen by accident. You need consistent and accurate data. Here are some of our best tips for you to have your best FTP test.
So Your FTP Dropped… Now What?
FTP is just a number used to calibrate training, but many cyclists see it as a status symbol, and seek a constantly improving value as validation. Why does FTP occasionally decline, and what do you do next?
Introducing the Group Ramp Test
We are excited to announce the newest addition to Group Workouts -the Group Ramp Test. You and your friends can show off your fitness improvements while getting that extra bit of motivation to push your limits.
Optimal Body Composition, Breakaway Teamwork, Heartburn and much more – Ask a Cycling Coach 231
Reaching optimal body composition, how to make a breakaway successful, dealing with heartburn while training and much more will be discussed live on Episode 231 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.
Enduro, Limiters, Peaking Too Soon and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 218
Tune in live for Episode 218 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast where we will be discussing our takeaways after racing Enduro World Series, how to find your limiters as a time trialist, how to tell if you’ve reached peak fitness and much more.
How Do I Know If My FTP is Appropriate for My Training?
Answer: If your workouts are challenging but doable, that’s one of the biggest indications you properly estimated your FTP. When your workouts don’t feel like this, it’s time to make some changes. When you first start your structured training with TrainerRoad, your first workout is a Functional Threshold Power (FTP) test. The results of your…