Increase your power and raise your FTP with a Build Training Phase. Totaling eight weeks, the Build Phase’s are structured to raise your FTP, improve your repeatability, and increase your work capacity. Build is also the first opportunity in a training progression to focus on the specific skills, and power capabilities demanded in your field of racing or riding.
How to: Preparing for Your Ramp Test
Performing a good ramp test is a crucial first step to high-quality structured training. Use these tips to get the most accurate results possible and keep your training on track.
Power vs Heart Rate: How Modern Athletes Train
The methods cyclists use to get faster have evolved since the late 1990’s. Twenty years ago, if you were using a power meter you were considered an early adopter. Now, power — whether you’re using a power meter or another source — is the gold standard that modern athletes use to measure their fitness and…
How Do I Know If My FTP is Appropriate for My Training?
Answer: If your workouts are challenging but doable, that’s one of the biggest indications you properly estimated your FTP. When your workouts don’t feel like this, it’s time to make some changes. When you first start your structured training with TrainerRoad, your first workout is a Functional Threshold Power (FTP) test. The results of your…
Does FTP Change When Climbing?
Answer: No. When climbing a hill, you may see differences in your body’s ability to express 100% of your FTP, but the experience is not enough to necessitate a different FTP. Why is My FTP More Impressive on Climbs Than Flats? This disparity in performance brought on by these different scenarios can be discouraging and cause…
Is My FTP Representative of My Maximal “Hour Power”?
Answer: For most athletes, no. Depending on the familiarity and experience with an FTP value, athletes can realistically sustain the power level of FTP in a range from about 40-70 minutes. ** Our default testing format to estimate an athlete’s FTP was changed to the TrainerRoad Ramp Test since this post was published Why Your…