What muscle fiber type is best for cycling, how do you influence it, and how much of it is genetic? We’ll cover this as well as pro cyclist data and why many athletes don’t share it, how to race in dangerous circumstances and manage crashes and much more in Episode 316 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!
How to Choose the Best Mid-Ride Nutrition
The longer and more intense a training session is, the more crucial your mid-ride nutrition becomes. Knowing when to consume liquids, gels, and solids can help you make an on-the-bike nutrition plan that includes the best fuels for you and your ride.
Cycling & Triathlon Supplements: Do They Make you Faster?
Some of the supplements recommended to endurance athletes are necessary to performance, while others offer only minor benefits. You can determine which ones are right for you with a look at your diet and an assessment of the pros and cons that come with each supplement.