Erica Carney won the 2017 US national criterium championship, but like every racer she started as a beginner. We asked Erica what advice she wishes she’d received when she was just getting started racing bikes.

Erica Carney won the 2017 US national criterium championship, but like every racer she started as a beginner. We asked Erica what advice she wishes she’d received when she was just getting started racing bikes.
Few experiences in cycling are more dreaded than getting dropped. As your legs reach their limit and the wheel in front of you begins to slip away, a sense of panic gives way to a sinking feeling of helplessness, and ultimately frustration. What can you do to prevent getting dropped?
Road Racing is one of the most diverse and challenging disciplines in cycling. These events take many forms, and require a specific mix of skills and fitness. This article will explain the most common types of road racing, and consider how you can target your training for success in these events.