In this article, we’ll walk you through what FTP is, how to improve it, and go over the data to help you understand what a good FTP is.
Best Indoor Cycling Setup For Your Budget
Getting started with indoor training is easy. With plenty of options to choose from, you’ll be ready to ride in no time. Here are our recommendations for the best indoor trainer setup that meets your budget.
Training Stress Score: What is TSS & How to Use It
TSS is the most widely-used way of quantifying workout stress in cycling; it’s also one of the most commonly misunderstood metrics in the sport. So what is TSS, and what is it good for?
The Neuromuscular Power Zone: What It Is and Why It Matters for Cyclists
The body has three energy systems. As an endurance sport, cycling focuses on the aerobic system. But for those quick moments when peak power output is needed, it’s all about neuromuscular power zone. This article will cover how it works, how you use it, and what you can do to train it.
Structured Training Without A Power Meter
Power is the only truly objective way of assessing performance in cycling, but power meters and smart trainers are a luxury for many athletes. Find out how you can get the benefits of structured training without a power meter, and why this type of training can even benefit riders with access to expensive equipment.
How to Use Your Cycling Power Curve to Find Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Every cyclist has strengths and weaknesses. The good news is that specific types of fitness are highly trainable. How do you use a power curve to discover what you’re good at, what needs work, and what can you do with that information?
Outside Workouts With RPE: a Power Analysis
TrainerRoad Outside Workouts are the best way to bring your structured workouts outdoors. For riders without a power meter, these workouts are all offered in an RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) version, allowing you to complete your workout by feel. How accurate and effective are they?
Riding by Feel: TrainerRoad Outside Workouts With RPE
RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) is a subjective assessment of how hard you feel like you’re riding. It’s a great way to maintain structure during outside rides when a power meter is not available. TrainerRoad offers all of our Outside Workouts in an RPE-based version.
How to Use SeasonMatch to Compare PRs
Fast cyclists use effective training. But how do you know if it’s working? Using SeasonMatch to compare PRs gives you proof your training is working every step along the way, rather than waiting for your peak.
How Do I Know If My FTP is Appropriate for My Training?
Answer: If your workouts are challenging but doable, that’s one of the biggest indications you properly estimated your FTP. When your workouts don’t feel like this, it’s time to make some changes. When you first start your structured training with TrainerRoad, your first workout is a Functional Threshold Power (FTP) test. The results of your…