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Get Faster Now Without Aero Equipment

Faster time trials doesn’t mean you need the most aerodynamic equipment. Getting faster starts with doing the right things with what you already have. Not everyone is ready to invest in the TT bike, the aero helmet, the aero bars, the aero everything … We’re here to tell you that purchasing all the aero gear isn’t…

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Why Did My FTP Go Down Between Training Phases?

Answer: Testing days aren’t always your best days. Muscle fatigue, unpreparedness for the discomfort of testing, poor pacing, or low motivation can all lend to a lower FTP result. When you test at a lower FTP, it commonly comes down to one, or a combination, of four things: 1. You weren’t sufficiently recovered following your…

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Why Does TSS drop from the Build to Specialty Phase?

Answer: The emphasis is no longer placed on growing fitness like it was during the Base and Build phases; rather, the focus of the Specialty phase is placed on event specificity. A reduced TSS allows flexibility for weekly racing opportunities during the final phase before your key event. The Importance of Dropping TSS as You…

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Why is TSS Reduced Between Training Phases?

Answer: FTP increases and applying different forms of training stress require small planned decreases in TSS to maximize training benefits. Reduce TSS Between Training Phases to Get Faster Within a progressively structured training plan, each new week sees a slight increase in the overall amount of stress (TSS), while each workout sees a similar bump…

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How Do Outside Rides With Higher TSS Affect My Plan?

Answer: Riding outside generally means a higher intensity and higher TSS than a plan’s prescribed structured workout. Depending on a rider’s goals, their outside ride could hamper later workouts. It’s really a question of what you want to get out of your rides and how much time you’re willing to dedicate … If you’re looking…

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Does FTP Change When Climbing?

Answer: No. When climbing a hill, you may see differences in your body’s ability to express 100% of your FTP, but the experience is not enough to necessitate a different FTP. Why is My FTP More Impressive on Climbs Than Flats? This disparity in performance brought on by these different scenarios can be discouraging and cause…

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Is My FTP Representative of My Maximal “Hour Power”?

Answer: For most athletes, no. Depending on the familiarity and experience with an FTP value, athletes can realistically sustain the power level of FTP in a range from about 40-70 minutes. ** Our default testing format to estimate an athlete’s FTP was changed to the TrainerRoad Ramp Test since this post was published Why Your…

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TrainerRoad for iOS and Android is Elegantly Redesigned

Get faster with the elegantly redesigned TrainerRoad for iOS and Android. As the saying goes, “The details are not the details, they make the design.” Countless improvements — some so minor even the most veteran TrainerRoad athletes could miss — were made to enhance the way you train on your favorite iOS and Android devices.…

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Recovery Intervals: The Important Role They Play In Making Cyclists Faster

Ever wonder about recovery intervals? The purpose they serve, the durations they last, even the intensities they’re prescribed at? You’re not alone… We had the same question, and so we talked about it in depth on episode of 114 of the Ask a Cycling Coach podcast. Here’s an expansion of that discussion. Furthering performance capabilities…

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