There comes a point in a cyclist’s progression where unstructured distance isn’t enough to stimulate improvement. Jozsef Evans used structure and performance based goals to continue his progression and get faster. In a matter of a few months, the structure paid off and helped Joe increase his watts per kilogram from 3.1 to 4.2. Here’s how Jozsef did it.
How to Improve Your Technical MTB Skills
Becoming a skilled technical rider doesn’t just happen — it takes hard work and dedication. Professional MTB racer Sparky Moir Sears shares how she developed her technical riding skills and continues to grow those skills on a weekly basis to be a faster and more capable XC racer.
How to Maximize Recovery In Between Hard Workouts
When you have multiple hard workouts per week, the recovery in between those workouts is crucial. 2018 Elite XCO World Champion, Kate Courtney, shares how to get the most out of your down time so that you can nail your next hard workout.
Why FTP Isn’t Everything, Finding a Base Plan, Plyometrics and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 273
Why FTP isn’t always the best measure of your fitness, how to find the right type of base plan for you, why plyometrics may help cyclists get faster and more in Episode 273 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.
Five Training Takeaways From the Successful Athletes Podcast
Sometimes maintaining a consistent training schedule is easier said than done. When you’re struggling to keep your training on track, trying some new strategies can help. Here’s what five successful athletes have done to maintain a consistent workout regimen and keep their training consistent from one goal to the next.
MTB World Champion Kate Courtney – Ask a Cycling Coach 272
MTB World Champion Kate Courtney joins the podcast to give you the insights to what it takes to be a World Champion including how she builds resilience through mental training, why she uses strength training to get faster, her recovery, nutrition and more in Episode 272 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.
Balancing Motherhood With Work and Professional Mountain Bike Racing
Balancing a demanding training load with a busy schedule is a challenge for any athlete. Entrepreneur, mother, and professional mountain bike racer, Sonya Looney, shares how she fits training into her busy schedule without compromising the time and responsibilities that are important to her. Share your success story and tell us how TrainerRoad helped you…
Treating Hyponatremia, Training with Low TSS, EPO and more – Ask a Cycling Coach 271
How to quickly recognize and treat hyponatremia, how to get faster with a low TSS training plan, how EPO and your hematocrit affect your performance and more in Episode 271 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.
Weight Loss and Nutrition with Successful Athlete Jesse Fortson – Ask a Cycling Coach 270
Special guest Jesse Fortson from The Successful Athletes Podcast joins Jonathan and Pete to delve into the science of his weight loss journey, how to find the right diet for you, nutrition tips to ensure you lose weight and get faster and more in Episode 270 of The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast.
Season Planning Basics
If you’re ready to give training, racing, or cycling a try, now’s the perfect time to get started and plan your first season. Planning your training season is easy to do and can provide you with the tools and support you need to successfully achieve your goals.