Top Five Cycling Training Deep Dives of 2020

Science is at the heart of what we do at TrainerRoad. Often, that means diving deep into the research to answer your questions about cycling training, nutrition, and recovery—all to make you a faster cyclist. Here are the top five deep dives of 2020 from the Ask A Cycling Coach Podcast.
5. Why Weightlifting Can Improve Your Muscular Endurance
Adding strength training to your routine brings many benefits to cycling performance and overall quality of life. But weightlifting can do more than just improve your maximum sprint power. In this deep dive, Coach Chad explains why weightlifting can increase your muscular endurance and pedaling efficiency.
More on Strength Training:
4. Training for Long Events: Why You Don’t Need Big Rides
Training for a long event like a century, gran fondo, or gravel race? The good news is that you don’t have to complete rides as long as your goal event. With consistent and specific training, you can ensure that you’ll have the endurance needed for big days in the saddle.
More on Long-Distance Training:
3. Breathing 101: How to Breathe More Efficiently While Cycling
Breathing is one of those things that you don’t think about until you’re almost out of breath. This deep dive covers everything you can do to improve your breathing efficiency with respiratory muscle training while cycling. It also offers techniques to focus and meditate with your breath for reducing heart rate.
More on Breathing and the Aerobic System:
2. The Beginner’s Guide to Nail Your Indoor Cycling Training
Cycling training is tough. In this deep dive, we share some of the best tips to optimize your indoor cycling training, including equipment setup, nutrition, recovery, and sleep. Whether you’re just getting started or experienced with indoor training, this deep dive will help you nail your workouts.
More on Getting Started:
1. Recovery 101: How to Recover Better, Recovery Hacks That Work, and more
Improving your recovery is probably one of the easiest things you can do to maximize your hard work. Get all the details for how to get the most from your recovery week, including how to use recovery tools.
More on Recovery:
For more cycling training knowledge, listen to Ask a Cycling Coach — the only podcast dedicated to making you a faster cyclist. New episodes are released weekly.