Live Recording of the TrainerRoad Podcast with Special Guest Matt Fitzgerald

Join us November 4th in San Francisco, CA for a live podcast recording with special guest Matt Fitzgerald!
The Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast is going live with a deep dive into the psychological side of training and racing. Our special guest Matt Fitzgerald is a sports science researcher, renown author of How Bad Do You Want It and an expert on the psychological contribution to endurance sports performance.
If you can’t join us live at the Rapha Cycle Club, tune in right here to watch the live broadcast.
After the podcast, we’ll be leading a no-drop ride up to Mt. Tamalpais (weather pending) and back along the coastline to the clubhouse.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
9:00am – Podcast recording
10:30am – Group ride
Rapha Cycle Club San Francisco
2198 Filbert St, San Francisco, CA 94123
Fair Weather:
Poor Weather:
Please RSVP here to join us live Saturday, November 4 at the Rapha Cycle Club San Francisco.