Carapaz and McNulty approx 30s clear on the final descent … looking like Gold and Silver ?
Negative. They gonna get caught. Have to like WvA’s chances.
Going to be close….
This is basically going to be WVA vs everybody else!
Now Carapaz vs the rest ….
What a race …. deserved winner in Carapaz. Brave effort by McNulty, but unable to hang on at the end. Amazing how well WvA raced despite being marked so heavily the whole time - and the big climb wasn’t the problem for him, it was being forced to chase all the moves.
Riders finishing looked absolutely shattered
Good for Carapaz and WvA. I’m not sure why but Pogacar annoys me, absolutely did no work in final chase.
Good finish, nice result for Carapaz
And Chapeau McNulty. Great effort and result for the American.
So Pog was smart, WVA buried himself in the chase, silver again, he still has the world’s coming up
I understand the tactic but there was an opportunity to possibly bring back Carapaz and without WvA McNulty likely stays away and Pogacar gets no medal, so not sure i agree with ‘smart’.
Not quite my reading - Pog gave up hope of Gold, WvA kept pushing for Gold knowing there was a chance he’d bring Pog and others with him. Ultimately WvA’s chasing didn’t bring it back, but I’m pleased to see him get Silver.
Super happy for the man Richard .
He will be the king of Ecuador from now on.
Where is @hdas?
Amazing Carapaz. Well deserved!! And a historic result for Ecuador on Olympic Games.
WVA is like new Sagan people aren’t going to help him chase so he can beat them in a sprint
Yes, I know that - but characterising Pog’s tactics as ‘smart’ only adds up if you think he’d already given up on Gold - else the race was out of his control, he was relying on WvA’s chasing to stand a chance of Gold and it ultimately didn’t pay off for him. But it certainly gave us a great race to watch….
Yeah smart maybe wasn’t the best adjective, Pog was looking for a free ride, I imagine based on his physical condition that was the best decision for him, knowing that he has a quick sprint.
Also there are no radios so we don’t really know what info they have
Had forgotten about lack of radios - do they still get to see gaps on the blackboards held up on the motos, or are they riding entirely on what they can see ahead?
I thought it seemed obvious Pog was trying to disrupt the chase to McNulty and Carapaz? Seemed he was attempting to help his trade team mate win.
After McNulty was caught, he simply tried to beat Wout.