About that Thing Two


I hadn’t looked at their profiles in detail. Maybe an algorithm that combines sections from different workouts?

I bet on Amber saying “Happy half-waaaayyy” during workouts :slight_smile:


Bug fixes? :upside_down_face:

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Thing one is still baking


So Plan Builder is in addition to both Thing 1 an Thing 2, and Thing 2 is being announced imminently? :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

haha what expectation…


think @Nate_Pearson means that they are currently working on two new things (in addition to the plan builder is live) and Thing Two is ready to hatch

yup. That’s a lot to look forward to. Plan Builder itself is pretty cool.

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Baking guys…
My baker doesn’t sell me bread from yesterday so it’s for today.
Just let the pie cool down before binging.

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@dcrainmaker tweeted at 14:42 GMT+1 that there will be a “pretty cool new sport tech announcment in just over 2 hours” so I’m betting we hear something within the hour!


I guess not before TR will do it themselves right?

Maybe @dcrainmaker is going to be involved in the official announcement? :man_shrugging:

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If it’s group workouts, maybe they’ll go live together :thinking:



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Nate’s IG story is him on a bike… Group workouts!?

That’s kind of what it seems like. Someone on Strava (I think) said DC was in on one of the workouts with Nate and Jonathan.

I’m hoping it’s a Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up in a small window on repeat automatically playing during every workout. That’s how you use technology to make life better. :wink:

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I bet in 16min @dcrainmaker, @Nate_Pearson, @Jonathan will all join a group workout and do a live Youtube of it…
Its going to be sweet…