Making Chad McNeese’s Alternate SSB Plan (4:1, 3:1, 3:1)
Add the SSB1 Plan to your calendar.
- Push Week 5 - (That also moves Week 6, to make an open week right after Week 4 in SSB1)
- Move Week 6 up to the open week - (Right after Week 4 in SSB1)
- Manually drag the “Week 6” Annotation up to the relocated week - (This does not happen when you move the week)
Add the SSB2 Plan, right after Week 5 of SSB1.
- Push Week 3 - (That also moves Weeks 4, 5 & 6, to make an open week right after Week 2 in SSB2).
- Copy Week 6 from SSB1 above, into the open week - (Right after Week 2 in SSB2).
- Optional: Add an annotation for the new Week 6 recovery by copying the text from the original annotation above (There is no way to copy a complete Annotation at this time).
Move Ramp Test from Week 1 of the SSB2 section up one week, to Week 5 of the SSB1 section.
Move Carillon from Week 5 of the SSB1 section down one week, to Week 1 of the SSB2 section.
- Essentially you swap the first workouts between these two weeks.
Delete Bluebell from Week 3 of the SSB2 section.
Replace Bluebell with a Ramp Test.
- This gets a basic swap with Ramp tests at the start of each tri-phase, and gets the TSS mostly laid out with a desired ramp rate.
Making Nate’s Alternate SSB Plan ( 3:1, 3:1, 4:1 )
Loading Cycle 1 - (3 Work Weeks, 1 Recovery Week)
- Sweet Spot Base 1 - Week 1
- Sweet Spot Base 1 - Week 2
- Sweet Spot Base 1 - Week 3
- Push SSB1 - Week 4, to make room for copying SSB1 - Week 6 Recovery, to follow this week.
- Sweet Spot Base 1 - Week 6 Recovery
- Copy the SSB1 - Week 6 Recovery from below.
Loading Cycle 2 - (3 Work Weeks, 1 Recovery Week)
- Sweet Spot Base 1 - Week 4
- Add Ramp Test for first workout.
- Skip the other planned workout. The Ramp Test assessment is more important and useful to start this Loading Cycle.
- Add an easy workout (if desired) to get more TSS. See Ramp Test Follow-Up Workouts.
- Sweet Spot Base 1 - Week 5
- Sweet Spot Base 2 - Week 1
- Move this Ramp Test down to SSB2 - Week 2 (below).
- Gets the first workout from SSB2 - Week 2 below.
- Sweet Spot Base 1 - Week 6 Recovery
Loading Cycle 3 - (4 Work Weeks, 1 Recovery Week)
- Sweet Spot Base 2 - Week 2
- Move the first workout up to SSB2 - Week 1 above.
- Gets the Ramp Test from SSB2 - Week 1 above.
- Add an easy workout (if desired) to get more TSS. See Ramp Test Follow-Up Workouts.
- Sweet Spot Base 2 - Week 3
- Sweet Spot Base 2 - Week 4
- Sweet Spot Base 2 - Week 5
- Sweet Spot Base 2 - Week 6 Recovery
Nate’s principals of rearranging recovery.
- Never skip ahead in the plan by removing a "Work Week”. The weeks build on each other so if you miss one, it gets really hard.
- You can put “Recovery Weeks” where ever you want. If you do this, ignore the other “Recovery Weeks”.
- Come back to the next work week after your "Recovery Week. So if you went through "Work Week 3, make the next week after “Recovery Week” be “Work Week 4”.
The info above was built based on the following post:
Splitting SSB 1 into 2x3-week blocks - #3 by bbarrera