🎉📆🎉 Announcing the New and Improved Calendar! 🎉📆🎉

Awesome, thank you!

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NP - Looks like it’s fixed now

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sorry, but I absolutely hate the new calendar. the old one was much easier to use. is there a “retro” button?

I’m sorry to hear that. The new calendar is here to stay, but we’re continuing to refine and improve it every day in response to athlete feedback. Can you articulate what you don’t like about it?

Not sure if this is part of the calendar or not. Some sort of bug I think. Today I put in a manual FTP adjustment. I wanted it backdated to yesterday so I entered that date, but it’s put it in the calendar for today.

Also, feature request on this subject: Would it be possible to enable notes to be written on manual FTP adjustments in the drawer & the FTP history page? So that we can look back & immediately see why it was entered. For example: “Heatwave where I live is affecting sleep, motivation, satiety, & consequently my workouts, so I’ve reduced my FTP. It’s only 2%, but 2% change in intensity can make a big difference during a workout.” Or: “20-minute test interval: 317w. FTP calculated as 301w.


can’t see the forest for the trees. waaaay too busy, hard to input “other” workouts, can’t find things like indoor/outdoor workout, hard on the eyes


IMO it REALLY needs options to control the display of certain activity types.

I record my daily dog walks (for reasons), but I really do not want those showing up in my TR Calendar, cluttering it up and making it much harder to see my actual “athletic” activities. This is hopeless at the moment, and needs addressing.


Agree, would be great to be able to do this - I also record dog walks as well as riding with my daughter to school so the calendar gets very crowded

In Intervals I filter on activities with a load > 1 to hide these, be great to be able to similar in TR


I appreciate the feedback, all. We’ll put activity filtering on our future improvements list. Also, just a reminder that you can hide and expand the TSS chart as needed, which can make the UI a little less busy and open up more area of calendar to view. I personally find it useful for managing larger areas of the calendar in detail.


Great, thanks.

A small point of friction I’ve noticed in the new Calendar is when opening the details page for a completed workout. I think in the old Calendar you could just click on the activity and it took you straight to the completed activity page showing all the details. (NB slightly annoyingly it did it in the same browser window, ie. replacing the Calendar, rather than opening a new window, so you had to remember to right click the activity rather than left click, but it was quick to do…).

In the new Calendar it now takes two steps to see the detail page for a completed activity:

  1. Click the activity in the Calendar to open the Drawer
  2. With the Drawer now open, click/press the “Open Details” red button.

Suggestion: For completed workouts/activities, how about adding an additional item to the right click menu in the Calendar, allowing you to more directly open the details page (in a new window, natch)?

There are still “two steps” per se, since there’s a right click to display the menu and then a click on the Open Details menu item, but it’d be quite a bit faster than the current method as it takes a while for the Drawer to open and be populated for a completed activity + you then have to navigate to & press the red Open Details button…

Or maybe you can do all this currently and I’ve just missed it :rofl:


The weight displayed on the top right of the calendar seems out of sync… or does it just add more pounds like a camera :smiley:

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It’s definitely off and on mine it changes into the future as if it thinks it already knows what I’m going to weigh. Good in account and on career page but wrong on the calendar.

The fix for this one rolled out this morning. Please let me know if it’s still displaying incorrectly on your account!

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Now that runs pull into the past activities. Has anyone else had trouble getting TSS assigned to runs? Mine never have any TSS initially, then if I edit them, I have to select an intensity other than the pre selected intensity to get it to calculate TSS. For instance if I edit my run and it has intensity set to 4, I need to select an intensity other than 4 to get it to calculate.

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Thanks! It looks like it’s in sync now

I haven’t checked lately, but I’ve been wondering, maybe @SeanHurley can advise, & perhaps this could be an interim feature request: How well does the cycling HR TSS model translate to running?

The heartrate-based TSS feature uses a cycling-specific model and is currently only available for outdoor bike activities. It’s certainly on our list of feature requests to explore as a potential future improvement, but it isn’t something we currently support.


Annotation/Note idea?

If I provide the description can it be part of the hover tooltip


Just took a while but finaly managed to change my plan name.
Neither the Windows or android apps could effectively make the change. Could edit the name but after pressing update nothing changed.
Had to use the online page to edit and update and now it shows the name change on the calendar in both apps and on the web page off course.

Also noticed my race events sheduled was not properly ordered in the windows app (while revising the plan and general events shedule, not on the calendar itself). Cant find that shedule on the android app but on the web page the order is ok. Thats something too check too.

Is there an “automatic accept adaptations” function yet?