thanks, what is needed for that? Do you need power data from the rowing machine. I have a Waterrower and therefore only heartrate…
thanks, what is needed for that? Do you need power data from the rowing machine. I have a Waterrower and therefore only heartrate…
We currently just use heart rate for rowing so that would work
so you do have specific workouts for rowing?
Not yet… we just accept it as a cross-training adjunct to your training (running, cycling or triathlon plans) and then take the load into consideration. Specific rowing (and xc skiing) training programs are on our roadmap but not yet available.
One area you could offer a feature not found anywhere is a measure of quantifying the load of weightlifting and how that can be successfully integrated in an endurance training plan.
This has always been a challenge in the load quantification realm, with nobody yet to crack it. The simple reason relates to the fact that weightlifting induces more of a musculoskeletal/neuromuscular strain vs. the cardiovascular stress we typically model to calculate training load (i.e., TRIMP, TSS, etc). Apples and oranges. WHOOP released a new neuromuscular strain marker last week following their acquisition of PUSH but it has yet to receive many positive reviews from what I’ve seen. Nevertheless, there is another simpler way we might incorporate this into the training load calculations that we are working on but it is down on our list of dev items. Like how you think though @oldandfast.
Just listened to your last podcast, and was wondering if you have see any promising predictive model of VO2max improvement based on training volume……everybody agrees that volume is the main variable, but has been modeled and tested? Thx
Thanks. Hope you enjoyed. No promising predictive model yet available but hopefully coming soon as we collect more longitudinal data on the various platforms. This paper here by Stephen Seiler’s group seems to be the most recent on the topic. Training Periodization, Intensity Distribution, and Volume in Trained Cyclists: A Systematic Review - PubMed
Thanks, I signed up and will give it a try. So far my sessions have initially not been synced to my Garmin App, had to send them manually. They then synced to the Edge 530, But changes in the trainingplan (replacing the recovery ride with a HIIT session) are not being synced to the Edge 530, although all changes have been synced to the App ok. I now have the old trainingplan on my 530, the new one in the App. How can I replace the plan on the 530? The changes were synced fine to my Garmin Watch, not so on the 530.
I am curious to see, if my rowing sessions, which I will mainly do as Z2/Recoveries will be taken into calculation properly.
Happy to see strength sessions included in the plan. Is there a way to sync those to Garmin, too?
Quite motivated now. Looking forward to try.
Thanks for checking us out!
When I’m on your profile, it tells me that your prescriptions are synced with your Garmin account (look into the future sessions). Sessions are supposed to get synced right away but we are indeed having a challenge in this area in light of our new Workout Wizard release (users able to change a session on the fly). Means loads of dynamic changes happening you can imagine.
Anyway, if this is still the case for you (recovery v HIIT session swap), as it sounds, could you please send me a screenshot of your Garmin connect situation (or Edge 530 situation) showing the bug so I can add this to our backlog. Use the hello at athletica address to put that into the backlog for us and we’ll try to get on it right away for you.
Nope - strength sessions not yet synced as we need a lot more thought in this area (ongoing). Really fun tinkering in this area now…
Hi, I deleted the garmin connect authorization and reestablished it. The automatic sync still did not work, but the workouts could be send to Garmin manually and were synced to the Edge then.
So we’re not entirely sure on your situation, but it’s possible that your 530 is not setup to receive automatic workout updates or similar? If it’s being synced to your watch, then it’s working on our end. It’s either a device (530) issue and/or Garmin itself isn’t syncing to both your watch and his 530. Please let us know how you get on as this was a new one for us.
Hi everyone. I’m finding the TR Forum pretty cool and its something we’re looking into for Athletica. I believe you mentioned it @oldandfast so thanks.
My question for anyone willing to respond: What, if any, forum angle or USP do you feel we might focus on to be of interest to the market? Would a forum or community where you could get questions answered by expert coaches and sport scientists be of interest or do you feel you get that here on TR plus Slowtwitch (or others)?
What do people like in forums and where are the opportunities that might be being missed in the current landscape?
At a minimum you should have your own forum for users to get help using your app / for you to communicate to your user base / receive feedback on features, UI / UX, feature requests, etc.
Maybe I’m old school, but to me it is bad form for a competing app / service to rely on a competitors forum to communicate to its users. It’s one thing to respond, it’s another to rely on it as the primary means of communicating to your users.
My $0.02
Plus from your “selfish” perspective, if you rely on a competitors forum as your primary method to communicate to your users you are at the mercy of that competitor. Up to now, TR has been tolerant of discussion of competitive apps / services, but this could change at any time at TR’s whims (whims used intentionally).
I’ve just signed up to have a look, interestingly most of the week are pretty much what I planned to do anyway, two questions
If I have a session (say V02 30/30’s) and do more (TR PL’s have me doing a lot more ) does the plan adapt ? Do it get marked as a failed session, I understant about minumun dose e.t.c, just asking out of interest (SS sessions I do a lot longer than what is being pescribed)
Second question, what the freck is this … do a long Aerobic ride on the Sat and then have fun on the Sunday ??? That will never work
Sorry if the question has already been asked, just having a nose about at the moment
A key asset of TR is its forum — not because it has one, but because on average its members are kind to one another and it facilitates civilized discussions. If I were in your shoes, I’d want something like that, too, and something of my own. A lot of members on the forum feel like TR evangelists, mostly (IMHO) because they like the product, the podcasts or both.
For you it’d also be a great source of feedback for your app. One thing that caught my eye is that you don’t seem to have any images of your app on your homepage. (If you do, I missed them.) This would be something I’d be really interested in seeing first.
100% @AlphaDogCycling … we’re obviously new to the game and I only found out about TR forum as someone mentioned they were talking about us here. So we’ve taken your 0.02 and we’re getting that built up now. Its live if you want to check it out. Again, we’re grateful for all the help. All of you TR folk are incredible and I thank you for your help.
This really says it all. I can see that the culture that has been formed on TR forum is fundamental to its success. If we are to have success in the future with our forum and technology, then we must strive for similar. Everyone kind, polite, positive and forward thinking. Not as I have heard that can occur in other forums. Thus, we will search for similar folk to be our own evangelists as they will be pivotal to our success.
The lack of internal image feedback is also a really good one. Thank you @OreoCookie .
Don’t forget to notify your existing users to use it to formulate queries.
Yes, this would be a differentiating factor… Ostensibly, everything that you know and has a practical application related to training should be somehow embedded in your program. So the best way to go about it would be to solve questions about the different use cases.
You do need a critical mass of users to get the ball rolling. Only you know how many people are on board., but it seems that you could do a bit more promoting/social media/marketing.