Anyone have any smart kit/gear storage solutions?

Outdoors? 5 days per week. 3 days of commuting and both weekend days. Have gear that keeps me comfortable down to around freezing (rare here). There aren’t really seasons here so it’s hard to swap out cold for warm (38F yesterday morning… 80F by the afternoon), so I have lots and lots of layers.

Indoors 2-3 days. I aim for one full rest day a week. Sometimes I spin on rest days too. I handwash in the shower to stay on top of the laundry.

I made a list yesterday and ordered a dresser (to replace current one that is too small for kit) and some bins (pocket pump, glasses, on bike snacks, extra sealant, … that kind of stuff). We’ll see.

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So you cycle 9 days a week, 5 commute, three indoor, and on your one rest day…fair enough. Hand washing in the shower everyday will be one big reason you have kit lying everywhere.

Bins are likely to be just hidden mess. I would sort and store things more thoughtfully than that if you want things tidy. I use a thin metal set of drawers in the garage for bike “bits”, top drawer for commonly used, lower drawer to segregate items less used. Of course, always put things away when you’ve finished with them even if it “makes you late”.

I set up complete kits (socks, bibs, jersey, gloves, some have multiple layers, neck warmers and hats depending on the temperature range). I roll all the parts of the kit inside of the bibs. Then everything goes in a drawer for all the kits, so for each day, all I have to do is

Given how much you ride I would suggest assembling enough complete kits that you can ride for 3-5 days without organizing the kits. So that would mean 4-8 complete kits (I couldn’t quite tell with your schedule). You could still wash each one after every ride, but then not worry about it until it’s time to fold everything (I assume you’re air-drying your kits?).

It sounds expensive until you realize that most of the clothing doesn’t need to be cycling-specific, and the clothing lasts 10-15 years, especially when you only wear each individual piece once a week or so. The reduced frequency of wear-wash-dry-wear significantly improves the lifespan of the garments.

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