I mean, it’s better than nothing…but a typical over/under workout like picket guard where you’re at 90% for a couple minutes than 105% for a couple minutes…we’re not exactly talking about a flood of lactate oozing out of the cells. We’re talking 3, 4, 5 mmol concentrations. So the difference between blood lactate during the ‘over’ and blood lactate during a regular 2 minute threshold effort is not a lot. Probably 1mmol or less.
If you believe (as I do) that MCT1 and/or MCT4 upregulation is greatest when the concentration INSIDE the cell is much, much greater than the concentration OUTSIDE the cell…then the additional utility of over/unders for adaptation is de minimis vs just sustained threshold efforts.
If you really want to upregulate that shuttle, see my post regarding Green’s work:
Or just read the paper:
Yeah. I think that’s 100% valid. If you like them, do them. But don’t do them because you think they provide some sort of special stimulus that you otherwise will miss out on.