Best Racing Gravel Bike 2024

Dang. That’s what my 38 Gravel King SKs (measure 40) on a 24 internal rim look like on my RaceMax. One rock snuck in the tread and seat tube and left a real nice thumb sized paint chip/flaked off. A wider rim will make the tire mushroom less like you say - wider, not taller.

Was looking to selling the RaceMax for an Aspero, but not sure anymore, haha.

You were using a narrower tire on a wider rim, so I would think the Aspero would have more room with that combo than in my picture. Can’t be sure though. I swapped the 42 Pathfinder Pros for 40 Ramblers on that wheelset, but haven’t actually mounted the wheel yet to see what it looks like.

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Agreed. The clearance was just similar. I would love to run 40s with an Aspero. Judging by your pic it’s doable. I have also thought of running a 40 up front and 36/38 in the rear of the RaceMax. The other solution was a 650b wheelset for the more ‘chunkier’ gravel races like Co2Ut. Thanks for the pic, this helps!

I have run Maxxis Rambler 45’s on my Aspero with zero issues. Currently running Pathfinder 42’s, again with zero issues.

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Very nice. Thanks for this. Sounds perfect for most of the smooth/fast gravel in Colorado and enough room to run a bit more for the rough events.

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No issues with 42 pathfinder pros on Kanzo fast, aspero and factor ostro gravel. That is with a 25ID rim so they measure at 45.

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Excellent. Seems like I should be good then with 40 or 42s with 24 internal rims. Now just need to sell the RaceMax. A lot of good deals floating around for the Aspero in my size.


Just got confirmation from Factor that tire clearance is reduced to 38mm when using 2x 12speed drivetrains. So no new GRX 12speed or new Ultegra builds

The plot thickens.

Errr. When is that happening?

Rep told me that it would take at least 2 years to make adjustments. But, there are people pushing the boundaries of recommended tire clearance (like Dylan Johnson)……

In sum. Not recommended, run 2x Shimano at your own risk if planning to run rear tire beyond 38mm.

Looks like there’s a new Stigmata coming. Keegan and the HTSQD appear to be on it this week at Unbound. No clear pics yet, but based on video clips (IG Stories) it has UDH (because they’re using Transmission) and the fork looks long (indicating its a suspension-corrected/capable frame).


Is that just for 12 speed 105/Ultegra/Dura Ace though?

11 speed GRX bumped out the chainline to allow 700x45 tires so I can’t see them reducing clearance once 12 speed comes out. When I had my Lynskey GR300, I had no problem running 700x48 Rene Herse tires on 25mm internal rims with 11 speed GRX Di2.

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Umm I have a 2x12 sram and a 45 and it fits on the factor

SRAM is ok according to them. The issue seems to be Shimano

And the new 12sp GRX.

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Which front computer mount are you using?
I’m looking for one that I can attach to the front face stem and I’m not sure which way to go

So far I tried a raceware one, but they made tailored to a specific stem so if I want to switch I need to replace it…also not a fan of the k-edge ones (having tried some of them)
I heard some issues about the Silca Chisela so not sure about it as well…

Any Carbonworks V2 or Alpitude Stelvio V2 users?


I’ve used the Form Mount for a few years…I ride with some of those guys regularly and they make a great mount, but set-up & rigidity can be issues depending on which computer you use.

Recently, I got this one and it is not bad.

More rigidity and you can adjust the angle but depending on the light you use, it can be difficult to get it to angle low enough for optimal viewing. It also came with two Wahoo mounts instead of one Wahoo / one Garmin. I managed to figure out a workaround but it involved having to use the bolts to hold both the computer and the GoPro mount at the same time (vs. separate bolts for each). As a result, there isn’t a ton of thread engagement, but it seems to be holding fine.

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Thanks for your reply
I was looking at the F3 one, but as you mentioned there are some issues with this one as well
What I don’t understand is why almost, if not all, computer mounts that attach to the stem face plate have some kind of issue

I think the biggest issue / challenge is for designing enough flexibility to accommodate a wide range of stem plates.

The Form Mount has, by far, the most options….with the exception of adjusting the angle. As for the mounting challenges with it, you can buy their Bridge Tool, which will lock the arms in place as you tighten them. You can even leave the arm in place after installation to add some rigidity to the system.

I’ll need to look at those other mounts I bought in about 6 weeks to determine if I’ll be able to run my lights on them.

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My formmounts developed a lot of fire/aft play and never were level. Heavier lights also bounce a bit more.

I’ve moved to Fouriers universal mount.

The bridge tool would help with both of those issues….but yeah, I get it.