Calculating LT1 and LT2 approximately without a blood test?

Awakening this thread to throw a question to the group. I drew up a DFA a1 ramp test today to play around with it using HRVLogger. The genesis of my desire to try it is post-COVID training my generally reliable HR trends aren’t aligning with RPE and VT as compared to power. So, I was looking for another way to try and confirm where I was feeling LT1 even though HR at that point is higher than normal right now (and probably temporarily so.)

The test (FWIW) confirmed that LT1 is aligned with VT1 and RPE and HR is out of whack somewhat, but I’m curious how any of you would interpret the data. From the DFA a1 graph below, you can see a step down to less than 0.75, which is thrown out as the first data point of that step. The next two are 0.75 and 0.74, and then it dances around 0.75 for another full step before falling off the cliff. So strictly using this data, I could put LT1 anywhere from 200W to 216W for those steps…

Instinct tells me to use the first step where it dropped from around 1 to 0.75, ride just below 200W and call it a day, but curious what other smart folks think. Thoughts?