Calendar Overhaul Feature Ideas

Yes I did notice that also!

Again, you are tagging the wrong ‘chad’.

Yeah, I realized the error in my statement immediately after it posted and deleted it.

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Simple feature request: a refresh “button” instead of using the browser reload

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Sent it to the team :slight_smile:


I’m not sure if I’m a target user here, but, I use TR as I like the interface for controlling my trainer and the calendar as my main tool for scheduling. I don’t really use the AI function as I utilise a human coach supplied and modified workouts, all that said…

I’d love the ability to drop/import TR compliant custom workouts (mrc?) directly into the calendar instead of doing so via the somewhat dated workout creator app (I’d also like workout creator to be updated or a workout modifier built into the new calendar). This would greatly simplify my workflow.

<this is where someone tells me I’m doing it the wrong way…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:>


I have a calender widget on the homescreen of my iPhone. Instead of seeing ‘1:15 Rice’ I’d like to see 6x2min @ 115-116%, 4min off, 75min or something like that at a glance without having to click the calender entry if that’s possible?

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Agreed. With the explosion of workout names, there’s no sense in retaining the meaningless names. Why not just call them what they are?

Oh, and the calendar can’t handle timezones very well.

I live in Aus, travelled to Canada and the TR calendar puts some rides at 4am on the wrong day, causing double-ups. And gap days (wtf). All rides synced for wahoo to strava then tr, on the day of the ride.


Hey there! Please make sure your time zone is set correctly if you’ve traveled recently – you can check this setting on your TR Account page.

If that doesn’t do the trick, let me know and we can troubleshoot further!

I’d like to be able to open up a workout, type my motes or just view my performance, then swipe or click to navigate to either the previous or next day, without having to go back to the main calendar page. This is of cool done on the desktop.

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I’m loving the green graphs for upcoming outdoor workouts. However, I still don’t like the map for completed workouts. I have Strava, Garmin, and a ton of other, better places to look at map data. I’d really like the completed outdoor workouts to look just like the completed indoor workouts, just with green graphs.

If I want to look at the profile of past outdoor workouts, I have to go to the workout page for each each one, individually. This makes it impossible to visually see an overview of completed workouts, or find one with a particular profile. It’s really tedious to compare upcoming profiles to past profiles.

A simple toggle button to select map or graph for display would solve this problem.




A Bit late thinking of this one.

I would like to see a rethink/design around having events on the calendar that are less than 8 weeks apart.

Just pretending one of the events is a B race to fluff around it isn’t ideal and can cause plan builder to come up with a less than ideal approach.

In the real world it will happen relatively regularly the key events for the season come less than 8 weeks apart and I think plan builder should be able to cope with this sort of scenario more appropriately than just saying no to having two A races this close, and therefore having to set one of them as a B race.

As a second question, in this scenario at the moment, should the first or second event be the B race?

Generally you can hold a peak for a few weeks for an A race. If you Build, Taper and Peak for an A race, you then need time to do that all again. 8 weeks apart is pushing that and likely one of the “A” races will suffer. So, you either have to be building towards a Peak for your first your first “A” race but not be in ideal Form, or you’re going to have to try and hold on to Form for your second “A” race. Reality is if you’re constantly Tapering and Peaking, you’re losing fitness to gain freshness. Other option is to do mini Tapers and treat both races as “B+” race. You won’t be fully peaked, but you’ll try to hold this 95% ready for both. You can’t have your cake and eat it to. Either way, you will need to move your training plan around to fit your needs and don’t expect TR/Plan Builder to figure that out.


You’re absolutely right of course, it’s not ideal and the truth is I’m unlikely to be in best shape for both. The thing I think is missing, probably more with plan builder than the calendar, is the plan I get when I’ve marked the first event as a B race and the second as the A.

I’m not a coach, but this plan seems a bit off. This is a masters plan built using plan builder.

Base seems fine with 3 weeks on/1 week off x 3

Build seem odd with a 2 weeks on/1 weeks off then a 3 week on/1 week off + an extra week of build , no recovery and straight into specialty.

I don’t understand why this isn’t simply two 3 weeks on/1 week off blocks?

Specialty is also a bit weird.

Firstly, I’m not sure 8 weeks of specialty is appropriate here?

Secondly, it’s built as 3 weeks on/1 week off then 4 weeks on, no recovery and back into base?

The base phase seems OK with 3 weeks on/1 week off and then into build.

Build is 2 weeks on/1 weeks off and then 2 weeks on, no recovery week and then into Specialty

The final block of Specialty includes both the B and A events

2 1/2 weeks of specialty then the B event at least followed by a recovery week and then another 3 weeks of specialty, with what doesn’t look like much of a taper and then the A event.

I’m just not confident this is a good plan for these two events, it seems a bit all over the place.

I’m happy that I will have to go into the first event at 95% and then try to peak for the 2nd, but don’t know this is the best way to do it?

Depends what you pick for your experience level and that will then dictate how much build and specialty weeks you get. Fwiw I’d play with that and see how it works out for you.

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This. :point_up_2: For reference…

"What is your level of experience with interval training?

Your experience with interval training helps determine when to shorten or lengthen training blocks for your goal event.

  • Beginner/Intermediate - More Base is most beneficial
  • Advanced - More Build Phase training will make you faster
  • Expert - More time in the Specialty Phase will make you race ready"

This is my 5th season using TR, I marked myself as expert.

I wouldn’t say I’m an expert, but it seemed the closest fit when you read the description.

My head tells me I want more build in the plan than I currently have. I’m not sure of 8 weeks of specialty mid plan

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Don’t get caught up in the descriptions, just pick what you want more of. I like more Base and don’t need 8 weeks of Specialty, so I pick Beginner/Intermediate even though I’'ve been with TR for 5+ years and 4 w/kg.

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That’s super helpful, thanks.

I’ve being playing around with the plan but setting the experience Level to Intermediate/Advanced, rather than expert.

This seems to take the mid season 8 week Specialty completely out of the plan.

Still trying to completely understand the intricacies between the two, but definitely more like what I had expected.

I’ve burnt out a few times using TR and want to be sure to get the masters 3 weeks on/1 week off schedule plus not load up on too much intensity to early into the plan.

I’ve emailed support about the missing recovery weeks/odd blocks, so won’t adapt the plan until I hear back from them.

Thanks again for your help

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Bumping up this thread…curious to know about the state of this project (now that 18 month have passed after the original post)?


We’re planning on putting the new web calendar in early access next week! :tada:

Of course we could see a show stopper that pushes it out but it looks good at the moment.