Cannot keep up with training

You need rest.


You were not fully rested (or coming down with an illness),
but also if you train in the morning, it is imperative that you fuel for the workout the day prior.

@fljones3 I am not sure I understand why you are saying I was not fully rested. I had a day off on Friday an Endurance session both on Tuesday and Thursday. I had rice the night before,

@Twowkg by rest, you mean no Trainerroad anymore? I had only 2 endurance sessions this week

The comments saying you need rest are based off you saying

If you said you felt exhausted, or had heavy legs, with 5 minutes to go, that would be normal. But if you were working at a a fairly steady pace with small increases along the way, you shouldn’t have felt exhausted or heavy legs the entire time.

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Something certainly sounds odd. My FTP is at about 245w and I’d expect to be nudging 160bpm by the end of a 20 minute interval at that FTP. HR Max around 175.

At 135w I’d expect to be at about 110bpm, nose-breathing.

Either you’re ridiculously tired (like, a flight of stairs leaves you feeling crushed, tired) or you’re getting sick, or something has changed in your setup.

@Helvellyn a flight of stairs is now making me tired, this is why I started this thread in the first first place.

The stairs at our house are my barometer for needing a rest week. :slight_smile:

135 watts sounds like an equipment error or a medical condition.

If a flight of stairs is now making you tired, that is significant imo.

If it was me, I would seriously consider having a proper rest week.

If I really needed to get on the bike, I would go gently. Really gently.

e.g. Free Ride 45 (or maybe even Free Ride 30) and ride the whole thing at my normal cadence with a heart rate cap of 65% of max. Take note of the average power. Do that only every other day, with a rest day in between.

If I didn’t feel recovered after that week off, I would see a Dr for tests to assess my general health.

When I came out of the other side, I would be reluctant to go back to workouts > FTP. Maximum of one per week and start at the low PLs, something like Randall. The rest of my rides would be Tempo or below.


Which means you need more than just a day off. Take rest seriously, as the alternate is digging a deep hole, jumping in, with no ladder to get back out


Something seems off. I’d make an appointment with a doctor, if nothing else just to rule out something medical. :+1:t2:

You have posted that you are:


Regardless of failing the test this is extremely worrying to me, there are many factors that can contribute to fatigue but you are showing many many signs of needing some good solid rest.

Take it extremely easy for at least a week and preferably 2, like ride in z1 for a bit easy and make an appointment with a doctor if possible to rule anything else out.


You should not have felt “exhausted” throughout the test. Others have said this also. If you are exhausted climbing stairs, I would schedule an appointment with your doctor. Take 3-5 days off the bike, then ride z1/z2 for several days before looking at regular structured training. Being exhausted climbing stairs is more worrisome for me, possibly indicating a medical condition.

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Speaking from experience I can say that’s is worrisome, especially if its a regular thing which it was for me :frowning: Thankfully that behind me now :crossed_fingers: :slight_smile:



I think rest up for at least a week and if you feel the same then head to the doctors… to be honest it might already be time for the doctors.

This is beyond the normal “what is real FTP and is it important?” guff…

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