I’ve got the 1030. When I turned it back on using the shop tour guide gps files for the climbs in the Spanish mountains it would just momentarily say "Climb Starting ", it would have been useful to know the climb was 3miles at 6% and how close to the top I was. Perhaps it was the file types. I can’t remember what they were but they’d automatically open in the Garmin Connect app and it was just a case of ‘send to device’.
I’m exhuming this thread from the grave as the original issue posted by @airteluser is something I’ve been down the rabbit hole with today… yes… almost two years down the road. So to speak.
I’d love to know if anyone has the same issue with ClimbPro being 200-300m “off” when it comes to climbs? And if the routes it’s happening on are being created in Strava?
Note: This isn’t about the gradient lag, that’s another issue.
Back story:
Using ClimbPro a few months ago I noticed I was at least 150-200m into a climb later in a ride before it decided to kick into action. I didn’t think much of it at the time.
At a recent gravel event I was using a 1040 Solar and Mrs Lama was using a 1030 Plus. We were both following the same route. We both had to switch off ClimbPro as it was 200-300m ‘off’ after about 10kms of riding. This made it worthless on the short gravel climbs. Given we both had the same issue on two different Edge units, it raised 1/2 an eyebrow of interest… and was something I’ve been meaning to loop back on. Today was it…
A few weeks back Jeff over on Twitter posted a really interesting overlay of two GPX files showing what is likely the cause. Yesterday he followed up with another Tweet.. and down the rabbit hole I went. What I found is all in the reply thread over on Twitter.
I’ve since gone even deeper with exports to Komoot, comparing topo data, etc… The elevation data is good. It’s the distance data that’s messing things up. It now looks like something on the Strava side. Which might explain why Garmin have been “ meh, not us” about it all.
This offset error doesn’t happen for every/all rides. It only occurs on routes that have something funky happening. No surprises the local forest here full of mine shafts has something very funky going on…
Hmmm… anyhow. This now has my attention. I’ll waste more time on it tomorrow.
Another question regarding climb pro screen
At the beginning of the climb the screen pops up but after few seconds the screen is changing
You have to manually push the buttons in order for the climb pro screen to appear again
What is it set to within the profile you’re using? Profile → Data Screens → ClimbPro. There’s an option to toggle ‘Pop-up on climb Approach’. (This is on both the x30 and 1040 UI)
No issues with ClimbPro, the climb finished at the top exactly as per the course. The barometer however only give me 5266’ climbing, but thats how barometers roll sometimes
Couple weekends ago I rode a course synced from RideWithGPS and no issues with ClimbPro.
Awesome. Thanks for sending those over. I have another data point to play with!
I’m just about to head out on the gravel bike with two Edge units to see if exporting direct from Strava (and dropping the route into \GARMIN\NewFiles) results in a better experience than the Strava->Connect->Edge sync that’s throwing some routes off.
Diablo North has an issue about 3/4 up. I’m not sure how this will play out with ClimbPro. This might not be as noticeable if the climb is already active. This might have thrown the elevation total off… not sure.
If you want to get really confused, look at the Strava elevation profile and topo data on the map. They don’t align for sections of routes that are ‘broken’.
Below is the climb I’m heading towards on the bike right now -
The climb starts at the creek crossing (about where the blue dot is). The topo data shows this (510m → 520m).
Further along the road to the point the elevation shows the lowest, it’s 493m on the elevation profile… but should really be ~525m based on the topo map (which is correct).