Concept2 Bikerg - connection

It is well documented, but it is not standardized. What that means is that we could support it, but it would require development resources on our end to make it happen. And not just initially, but continually as updates are pushed we will need to continuously make sure that things work, which is especially tough because we do not have a Concept 2 ERG rowing machine to test with in the office.

For just one device, it’s not a huge issue, but compound the development energy required when you consider all of the trainers with proprietary protocols, and you start to see the problem this creates. It makes much more sense for us as a company to adhere to the industry-standard protocol, and allow hardware manufacturers to do the same.

I know this isn’t the answer you were looking for, and I’m sorry I don’t have better news for you. I hope that explaining the reasoning behind our decision helps to show where we’re coming from.

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I confirmed I am on the latest firmware (version 866).

I also was incorrect when I previously stated I do not see anything on TR. Like you, I do see “Concept2 ANT+ Trainer” and also only get speed when connected.

Popping open SimulANT+, I see that it is broadcasting itself as a NordicSkier type fitness equipment. The power does get broadcast in the Specific Nordic Skier data page (Page 24). The stroke rate (equivalent of cadence) is in there as well. The speed and distance are in the General FE page (Page 16) which is why I assume TR sees those.

So for the whole 4 of us that wanted SkiErg or Rower Ant+ input to TrainerRoad (without the dorking around with a Raspberry Pi that I did), it would appear that TR could implement the input using the appropriate two data pages (24 for SkiErg and 22 for Rower) in the Ant+ FE Device Profiles.

But as @Bryce said, the ROI on the development is probably pretty low :slight_smile:

Thanks - great info nevertheless :slight_smile:

Do you also get the option ANT+Power? On the BikeErg it’s the one that always worked for me, and it sends both watts and cadence.

Hi Trainer Road Folks,

I work on software for Concept2 and currently the BikeErg supports Bluetooth Cycling Power, Speed and Candence, and FTMS services which are standard services. The Bike works with most of the other apps that I know of (Zwift, Sufferfest, Rouvy, etc…). Would it be possible to put me in touch with your dev team so we can work out the compatibility issues?



I too am looking to make the Concept2 BikeErg → TR connection, I would actually prefer a direct connection rather than wireless. Does the USB2 to Lightning converter solve this? Store — LIVEROWING

PainSled has to be on a separate device from TR. Another bridge device that works well for the rower and SkiErg is the CABLE device (which isn’t a cable) CABLEINFO - CABLE - Connect ANT+ to BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)


I followed the steps you outlined here with my BikeErg. Updated the firmware which is now version 327. Tried connecting to Trainerroad and power data is still not showing. Would love to use Trainerroad, but won’t be able to without using my Bikeerg. Please help!

Hi Mike,

Have you got in touch with Trainerroad on this issue yet? I’m trying to connect the Bikeerg with Trainerroad with updated firmware version 327 and it still doesn’t read power data. I agree with you that it works with Zwift with no issues…

Hey! Please get in touch with the support team, they’ll be able to look at your specific devices and walk you through any additional steps needed to get your power to read on the TrainerRoad app!

You can email them at, or submit a request online.

Heya Mike - I am keen to know where you are with this? Tried to connect yesterday and no joy. Are there new instructions or must I really buy an Ant+ dongle?

Hi Steve,
I believe TrainerRoad is working on this. I don’t think Concept2 has any work to do for compatibility as we adhere to the various wireless standards, although, Concept2 is ready to help as soon as we hear what the issue is from TrainerRoad engineering.

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Trainerroad works perfectly on the BikeErg using an android phone and an inexpensive Ant+ dongle. As a workaround, I have also used my Garmin Edge 830 to connect directly to the BikeErg. That just requires you to tell TrainerRoad that you’re doing an ‘outdoor’ workout, then load the workout into your Garmin. From there, you do your BikeErg workout just like you would on your bicycle with a power meter.

On my C2 rower, I can’t connect to the TrainerRoad app (or to the Garmin). Maybe they’ll get their acts together sometime and update the firmware on the rower since we rowers are people too :slight_smile:


Great news, I have got it work with an ANT+ USB & a MacBook Pro. I tried ANT+ PWR and no joy. Finally got it to work with “ANT+ FE-C”

Bluetooth would be so much easier.

Sorry to open such a old thread , but when I try to Pair my bikerg with ant+usb in either PWR or FE-C connection , I get a message saying no power data available

I was able to use my bike Erg with power via bluetooth to trainer road until last month. I took a month off and just tried today and it no longer works. Trainer Road can you please take a look?

You will likely get a faster response if you email directly. They do watch the forum at times, but support here can be spotty and missed on occasion.