I’ve done it several times and found the same result. I do the ai ftp detection then try to beat it but it’s always been super accurate for me. I don’t mind winding it all the way now and then and it gives me confidence in TrainerRoad.
I’ve done it several times and found the same result. I do the ai ftp detection then try to beat it but it’s always been super accurate for me. I don’t mind winding it all the way now and then and it gives me confidence in TrainerRoad.
Yeah in my head I call it ‘reference power’.
Functional Training Power
only if you are doing it wrong
you guys are hopeless
Yesterday I was due for an AI update. Came back at 162. An increase in like 8-9%. I immediately did a ramp test. A test I actually felt was a really good effort. Came back at 146. A decrease of 2 from my previous AIFTP.
Here is my complete but short FTP history.
You’re assuming that the AI is wrong and the ramp test is “right”. Why?
Assuming you’ve done a threshold workout recently - what did it look like and how did it go?
Excellent point. I phrased it poorly. What I should have said is that the two forms of data gathering are not congruent.
Here is my latest threshold workout.
I say just roll with the AI detected FTP. Your workout levels will be adjusted downwards so hopefully workouts will remain manageable and productive.
Ramp tests also take some practice and experience to execute well and if you’re a new user you might have left some valuable seconds on the table.
Garmin used to be deadly inaccurate in terms of detecting FTP good to hear they have improved finally.
Cool. How did the intervals feel? RPE around 8?
If so, run with it. Just be sure to answer the post-ride survey appropriately.
Ramp tests are notoriously unreliable if you’re very anaerobic or very not-anaerobic. The best way to estimate your threshold is … to look at how you ride at threshold.
My AI FTP was significantly higher than my ramp test. So the workouts are actually going to be less manageable than if I go with the ramp, correct? Or did I miss something?
I think you are right about this. Not that you asked but I’d go with 148 (the previous number) and increase it a little if the workouts are too easy. How did that threshold workout feel? For me they are in the 8, 9, and 10 range on a 1-10 scale. It certainly looked tough.
8-9 I’d guess. I don’t really remember but I put “very hard” in the survey.
I accepted the AI recommendation. But if it’s too hard then I’ll drop back. This week is a recovery week so I won’t know for a while. And if you are looking at the HR data, keep in mind I’m nearly 50.
Workout notes are a great tool. Taking 5 minutes to record how it felt along with fuelling, off-bike nutrition, sleep, off-bike stress etc can help you get insights into how all those things assess performance.
8, 9 10… sounds more like supra-threshold and vo2max.
Threshold is normally considered to be ~7 on a 1-10 rpe scale. Maybe up to 8 if you are doing 20 minute plus i.e the classic 2x 20 or a single 20 minute plus interval.
Posted a fair few times before, but…
Like most things accuracy percentage of AI FTP will increase over time and from personal experience it’s close enough to ensure sustainable and improved performance.
As long as you complete the post ride surveys accurately you will soon find the correct level of workout as the plan adapts to your responses. There’s no hiding place in a correctly set threshold session…….
It’s a little more evidence that FTP around 148 is probably right. I’ve had times when I’ve felt training was good and AI and ramp testing didn’t move, it’s frustrating but it’s just part of long term training I think. Notching 1-3% increases every month would be nice but it’s not always reality, unfortunately!
Ha ha, when the blue gets up to the white line, the pain is the same for everybody!!
I’m not sure that article is right. Going out on a limb here but if we are talking about…say…riding at 96% (or whatever) of our FTP we are close to our very maximum sustainable power. Shorter intervals (like a few minutes) aren’t going to be that bad but once we get out to 6-8-10 minutes or more, it’s very close to your max. How can that be only a 7 on a 1-10 scale? If we are doing a 15 minute interval and “other stuff” isn’t dialed (sleep, fueling, motivation), that can easily be a 9 if riding at 95% or more. Throw in some over/under stuff and…ouch!
Wouldn’t the RPE scale be different for newbies vs people training for 5 years and even different for people training 10+ years?