This meme immidiately made me think of an earlier podcast (forgot the episode), where @Jonathan pronounced croissant just like the french would:-)
For a second I thought that was another Nate Instagram post.
Can you air-fry croissants?
The whole world’s supply isn’t on that boat. I hoarded about three to five years’ worth for my 10 and 11 sp fleet in my toolbox back in 2019.
I wonder if they’d tried going fat and tubeless, they might get enough float to stay on top of the sandy bottom.
Fat Bike transportation, that’s outside the box thinking
We need more fat bike memes around here. Especially if they are going to save the global transportation and bike shortage issues in the industry
I’m not even sure how to say croissant in an English accent.
Why would you want to?
Once you’ve learned a language you can’t unlearn it.
“cro-sont” in murican English, but the “o” in “cro” is more of a shwa (ə) than a real “oh” sound.
Trailing consonants are somewhat silent in French - bagette => bag-et but trebuchet => tre-boosh-ay so I’ve always pronounced it something like “kwasohn” with the “n” a curious nasal or aspirate sound rather than a hard “n” as in “can”.
I really didn’t expect to see the great Peter Cook on an American cycling forum!
A good time to practise the ‘ohn’ noise is the last minute of a six minute interval at 105% ftp
The only times I hear Americans approximating the French pronunciation are when they’re either making a joke, or about to be the butt of a joke
This is the correct way to order a croissant: Flight of the Conchords Ep 8 'Foux Da Fa Fa' - YouTube
I see your good-faith explanation and raise you a CollegeHumor:
Between the Conchords and CollegeHumor, one should not be laughing this much at 530am.