In the lead in to my A race I’m drinking this alcohol free beer. It’s really nice. YMMV
Way to real
That is heresy. The world has become strange
Best meme ever
Fake Brews! (sorry )
The hoppy ones from Athletic Brewing really are pretty decent.
I’m coming over to the US in May to go to my brother’s wedding, I’ll definitely have to seek them out.
I don’t think 0% beer had been invented when Ben made this quip.
trying to think of a TR meme for when you look at what workout is on your calendar at lunchtime to see how much dinner you get to eat and it’s a 1,300 calorie, 129 TSS monster session.
mixed emotions…
6 posts were merged into an existing topic: What Beer are you enjoying?
I appreciate that for the humor #Holland
Let’s move the beer talk to another thread please.
It’s well off topic here. Someone can start a new thread, and I will move the related ones from here, once that’s done.