Not a meme but I had a laugh.
Actually is helpful to know that not every motorcyclist is a complete asshole. Good on that guy for sharing the road and enjoying the ride
Sorry if it’s off topic, but that video reminded me of another. It is funny tho as you can’t help but laugh at the craziness of it!
Looks VERY dangerous!
Too many Selfie’s and not enough pictures of bikes.
I suppose at that speed, a normal bike helmet won’t help much anyways? Hope that guy is at least registered as an organ donor…
That’ll be why it’s time away from the bike.
Willing to be that man has a lot of cocaine in his system.
Cap started with epic amounts of luft! To match his epic cojones.
Great use of the word. I approve.
There will be no organs left if he falls at that speed.
I think the race organizers heavily penalized him for drafting that truck, though.
I was waiting for the truck to pull away and take his camera with it.
I wonder what the speed rating is for his tires?
Nicely timed shot
I’ve heard it described as being a “meat crayon” which is grim but descriptive.
so the rumor is that 13 is the lucky number now xD