I have been using DH now for 5 months consistently. First time really in my life that I have stuck with strength at minimum 2x a week. Overall I feel much better both on and off the bike - looking forward to getting back outside and feeling the difference with the strength gains. Others have mentioned that workouts can be time consuming - but I get all workouts done in 30-40 minutes.
I have also had spotty responses from emails. But honestly at $20/month we should not expect to have every question answered. Gotta have expectations set to begin with on our own.
I have had success with the bodyweight, dumbbell, and now going into phase 3 of the off season road program. Been super easy to follow 2x a week and still have the legs for doing a LV masters plan with an additional day of z2. I am modifying a little with the off season road as I do not have all the required equipment. Just some googling and youtubeing has helped me replace the few movements I do not have all the equipment for.
Thanks for the review - it sounds like lots of people are having success with the plans when used long-term.
I see lots of people here giving reasons for the slow responses and lack of support, or saying that for $20/mth we shouldn’t expect much, but they say in the app “We respond in 1 business day” which sets an expectation that they’ll very quickly respond. I definitely wouldn’t be so badly put off if they never mentioned how quickly they respond 1-on-1.
Regardless, I think I’ll keep trying it for a while based on the reviews given here.
I started in October and have been doing the Off Season Road program. I’m not really a roadie anymore, but selected this program because it had a lot of variety built into it and used a lot of the equipment I already have in my garage set up.
I’ve really liked following the program and enjoyed the way the phases progress. When putting together my own programs previously I tend to stick to movements I like or am good at and don’t really challenge myself that much.
The workouts do take a while, but I dedicate two days a week to them and don’t find them to hurt my TR workouts in any way. I’m following a LV masters plans w/ a couple outdoor unstructured rides added at the moment.
Only complaint I have is the app. It’s pretty buggy (at least on my newish iPad). In my current phase when you tap on the final two exercises they are blank and I’ve had others where despite hitting complete it just won’t show the exercise as complete. Despite the few bugs it still gets the job done though. I think I am spoiled by how well the TR app works so It’s easy to pick apart an app that is not up to that level.
I’d love to see the app put together an annual or seasonal plan for users like plan builder does in TR. I’m getting close to finishing the Off Season Road plan and am not sure what to do next at the moment. I do plan to continue using it though.
I did the same… There is absolutely zero mention of triathlon anywhere on the DH website, instagram or anywhere. But when Derek was on the TR podcast he mentioned that lots of his clients are triathletes so I thought I’d give it a go - I’ve done the bodyweight intro program, Gravel program and am now part way through Off Season road. I found that some of the warm-up/mobility exercises are surprisingly hard/effective for my shoulders : Roller Angels in particular, and the core exercises and stretches work parts of my abs and lats that I can really feel.
This has directly translated to swimming, but I’ve always had poor shoulder mobility and trouble bracing my core enough to keep my legs up. I’m currently just maintaining swimming (once a week or so) and mostly running, but when I do swim I feel that it’s easier to hold a good body position, and when I run I’m feeling more solid, with fewer niggles in knees and hips (note: I’m over 50, and a slow swimmer and runner, so your requirements and experience could be very different!).
If I was starting DH now I’d do the 30-day bodyweight intro (introduces movements, gets you used to the shockingly bad app and interface) then Off-season road (variety of exercises, and the possibility to go progressively heavier on exercises).
I seem to recall Derek mentioning something like this on his Podcast. I do know that he has brought up adding more content to help people use his plans. Sounds like he gets some of the same questions over. I know I have thought there should be much more info for DH members to look at and read through to help.
I am in the same boat as you - wondering what I do after the Off Season Road plan. I think I am going to do the Gravel Plan next since I have all equipment needed. That should bring me close to the time I up my volume on the bike when I am off for the summer and ride outside. Going to use the In Season plan with the single band through the summer.
I’m leaning towards the gravel plan as well. Only hesitation for me is actually that it uses less equipment. I invested in a good amount of stuff with my home gym and I hate to follow a program that only uses a quarter of it.
From that perspective the Off Season Road program was great. I’m actually tempted to repeat it as I really liked it.
I signed up just before that podcast and Derek responded personally to my intro questionnaire. They did receive an influx of new requests after the podcast and I think there was even a note on the website letting people know that that they were backed up. While it’s understandable to expect follow-through with what is promised, it’s a small business. (Maybe one guy??) I would not fault them for being a bit slow to respond with the free intro consultation until they grow a bit into the new demand.
Derek did mention to me that the mobile app is a little clunky, and recommended using the website for now. So, he’s pretty transparent about that. (Again, he’s a strength coach, not a software developer so this didn’t bother me). I was curious about the app, and found that I could work around its bugs.
The strength programming is well organized, every exercise has a video to explain form, and included mobility work and I was happy with the program. I ended up stopping
but not because it wasn’t good. I think it’s great for people who don’t have the time or experience to come up with their own strength workouts and need expert advice on what to do that will complement their bike training.
I think Dialled health has good advice , but nothing pees me off more than paying for something and them not answering my emails.
Whenever I’ve had an issue with TR they’ve got back to me immediately ,and the issue is sorted .
I 'm not impressed, and won’t be paying for Dialled health
For those commenting that responses are slow due to new sign ups recently, this has been going on (on and off) for a few years now. It’s not new. Even Derek will admit that.
Thanks for pointing this out. Used the site for my workout today and it’s a much cleaner user experience than the app. I think the apps got great potential though if he wants to invest more into it.
I also recently joined Dialed Health after hearing Derek - he has been making the rounds in Podcasts. Like others I found DT very responsive and the programs are great - good workouts and easy to follow. Having a short demo video for each exercise is super helpful too. Also found the App frustrating until you figure out how it wants you to mark your progress - that part needs a little work. IMO the best off bike training program for the $$ especially for cyclists.
I started DH shortly after the TR podcast he was on, got immediate recommendations from my questionaire, and have been using it consistently since Mid-October. I really like, and am seeing results in how I feel, and damn if my yoga instructor didn’t recently ask if I’d been lifting because of how my upper body looked! The technology is really not great, especially when compared to TR, but, I run it on my MacBook on the web, so it’s tolerable. Given all the service issues, I’m wondering what will happen in a few weeks when I wrap up the Dumbell program and need recommendations on what’s next…Overall though, I’ve not been as consistent on strength work in many years, and at 70yo, I’m all in to continue!
Still early in the DH journey but more excited now. Look forward to core days. Getting by just fine on an iPhone and the app. No, not TR level code, but works for me none the less.
I’ve used it on and off fora couple years now. The programs are great. Just the right volume. The app is not. $20 being in the higher end of subscriptions for an app that’s a bit of a bummer. Like others I would just write it down in a notebook. I have only reached out once but he did respond quickly. She. The soo first came out I told him about the bugs and he responded. I think I sent one more email and didn’t hear back. The content is great,though. That being said I’ve found some others that while not cycling focused do mix in mobility and plyo type stuff that I might look into next.
His wife @lishteel is providing updates. Heading into his 3rd surgery this morning. Gutted, but hopeful as the docs are saying his healthy body was a huge plus.