Did a century, couldn’t have done it without TR and Forum

What I have read from various endurance athletes, is that they try to train for maximum fat fueling so that they have to eat the minimum amount. But that may be only important for ultra endurance racers.

I think my max will be riding in-between daylight (lets say 12 hours max). I don’t fancy pulling all-nighters for cycling. But if you start eating from the get go, eating a rice cake every 30 mins, I would need to bring 24 rice cakes!

Sorry to rub it in but just did it last week and two such weeks still to be enjoyed (although Mondays are off actually) :slight_smile:

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Very nice! How much kms were those routes?

Can you describe how the consecutive days felt? Like mentally, fatigue, sleep, saddle sores etc… Really curious to hear about that!

Surprisingly, not much fatigue during whole week. Training to be fat oriented, didn’t fuel much. One Clif Bar & 2L water with SiS Hydro with caffeine per ride and recovery shake at home. Beside that still on my usual diet, nothing extra. Slept very well (7-8hrs, waking without alarm), taking magnesium with B vitamins before going bed. No daytime naps necessary.

Not so good side was tender bottom. Not saddle sores but over week it definitely get more sensitive. Luckily it was here 15-18 degrees Celsius. Any higher temperature would have made it much worse probably.

Anyway, this week was actually culmination of 4 previous weeks of riding farther and farther (TSS 600 → 800). In next two weeks hoping to eventually reach

  • 2x 200km Z2
  • 2x ~100km SS + Z2
  • 2x 2hr Z1/Z2 chilling rides

Mentally still eager to go :slight_smile:

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Does that help? What does it do?

Nice achievement, hope I can do something like that somewhere over summer!

Congrats! It’s a beautiful thing when you can see and feel the results of your training with TR!

SiS Hydro Go with caffeine just tastes better for me (it’s Cola flavored). Theoretically it should keep you sharper during long ride but it probably doesn’t affect me, drinking coffee so much daily that have lost sensitivity :stuck_out_tongue:

About magnesium: What Are the Health Benefits of Magnesium?
When started with TR October last year, my legs were always like in fire during sleep. After starting to take magnesium it went away. But of course, it might be possible that body just accustomed to new load. One way or another, this product actually contains also other stuff, esp B vitamins and iron.

EDIT: good to re-read this article myself as well. Seems I don’t need it anymore, geting enough with everyday food now.

Good luck! And be sensible with progressing weekly long rides. For me +30min/ride over 4 weeks was comfortable rate. YMMV. Maybe can go higher but then repeatability might suffer. Listen your body. I actually needed extra rest day during week before last. After that bounced back much stronger and able to recover each day.

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I’d try to do 8DC of TR. It is very challenging

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Just did 200km last Saturday… CYCLING IS AMAZING.

Never stop pedalling :muscle: