Dylan Johnson's "The Problem with TrainerRoad Training Plans": it's gonna be a busy day around here

Great post and points, to which I will add some dates for context:

  • Feb 14, 2021: DJ TR video review
  • Feb 21, 2021: TR release Adaptive Training, including changes to the core plans at the foundation of AT
    • IIRC also mention incoming POL plans here or shortly before/after?
  • Mar 19, 2021: TR release POL plans

There is no way that TR scrambled and dumped all of that just as a response to DJ’s video. But that didn’t stop the comical speculation in this very thread above… that there was some form of collusion between DJ & TR to time the review flurry with TR app release in order to drive up interest. Tin foil hat stuff on display there.

Totally agree that DJ comes off as someone with an agenda or axe to grind with his recent post comments. It’s one thing to try and post some info and contribute to discussion. It’s another to seemingly aim an attack at TR in some form of attempt to knock them down a peg or some other end result. It shows a bit of internal motivation above and beyond trying to inform people to make good training choices. Not something I can respect.