Pretty sure if this was copied and pasted on the front sheet of TR when choosing plans most complaints would dissapear…in the almighty words of Top gun many peoples’ egos are writing cheques their bodies can’t cash!
I followed low volume for 2 years before even trying mid-volume. Turned out I could handle the mid-volume at least one time through, but probably still would not do it repeatedly. I think low-volume is about right with added endurance.
I am not too sure it’s your fault. Peoples egos also play a huge role.
Well we could have branded it differently.
Low Volume could have been “The plan for bad ass cyclists”.
Limitless Volume
Leading Volume
Legendary Volume
Legit Volume
Laudable Volume
Logical Volume
Low-risk Volume
I don’t think it’s fair to blame TR for your mistake. You picked mid volume while you should have picked low volume. Something they constantly stress and advertise.
People would still have gone for higher volumes. Bad ass < worse ass < worst ass.
Though jokes aside, with plan builder and the „six weeks questions“ it’s easy for people to pick an inappropriate volume option. After all 10+ hours of casual outside riding are very different to high volume interval training.
I too started off with the Low Vol Plans. Saw real improvements over two years when it came to riding and racing outside. I moved onto the Mid Vol Plans in late April 2020. I was furloughed from work, at home and wanted to be doing something constructive. I also had the time to rest and recover.
Now I’m working from home, work is building back up and in a couple of months, I’ll be back in the office. When that happens, I’ll revert back to Low Vol. My weekend rides will add additional endurance so I’ll be grand.
I’m pleased that I experimented with Mid Vol. There was nothing on the calendar and it didn’t really matter if that experiment went wrong. As we move through 2021, there is a glimmer of hope that events will take place. I would like to be in good place by June-July 2021.
I agree - I think this outdoor vs indoor or unstructured hours vs structured hours comparison is the main issue with the volume selection. Even LV can be tough if you’re riding outdoors on the other days or commuting alongside it.
Could probably be named more in terms of performance level, and not low, medium, high etc…
- Base Plan - Start here, regardless of fitness. Perfect for those who want to add additional Z2 endurance rides on the weekend.
- Enthusiast Plan - A good plan for those who have trained for a few years and know that they can handle the load. Not recommended for anyone with less than 2-3 years of prior structured training. We still recommend the Base Plan for most riders.
- Pro Plan - If you know you can handle the load, then you know. Not recommended for majority of users. (unlocked after user actively unlocks this plan and checks a little check box saying that they understand that this plan is only recommended for the top athletes)
Basically makes TR a 2 plan program, where Base Plan is the default, and the Enthusiast Plan is only recommended to those who have ridden for awhile. Pro Plan is almost taken out and put behind a wall.
Its hard with naming, because you want the “Low Plan” to not make users feel like “oh, I can only handle the low…” but make it the standard, recommended plan So users don’t always feel like they want to be able to say “oh yeah I can handle the Mid Plan”…
Great comments.
You could even think about introducing a ‘LV -1’ type plan - dunno, maybe two z2 and one SS per week - and call it ‘novice’ or ‘beginner’. Then rename base plan as ‘standard’ and help soothe some egos that they’re not starting on the ‘bottom rung’.
Yeah the names need to change I think.
How about:
- Legit Volume
- Mega Volume
- Herculean Volume
Or… keep with a naming structure they’re currently implementing in a different part of the programme:
- Achievable
- Stretch
- Not Recommended
Close but you missed an important one:
- Achievable
- Productive
- Stretch
But I tend not to like that shared scheme since those terms are applied to a range of workouts, with direct relationship to a person’s current fitness capabilities.
- Meaning, Stretch at one point in time might be Productive or even Achievable in the future.
- I think it would be more confusing than helpful, compared to the other suggestion above.
That’s is…I’m now officially on “Legit Volume”
When are the new plans being released or announced? Anyone knows? Thanks.
POL plans and new intermediate ones were mentioned with respect to today’s podcast, for at least info… but not sure on actual release?
Oh so soon, nice… what time is the podcast do you know?