Dylan Johnson's "The Problem with TrainerRoad Training Plans": it's gonna be a busy day around here

Of the couch was 150ish. After a year it was at 225. Another year later 290. Currently 280 as I am/was sick. Didn’t progress much in the last 5 months due to forced breaks (flue, vacation, Corona, appendix). Bit of a mess really.


You don’t ride outside at all?

With the misses every now and then. Though that’s than on a MTB and likely at 10% of FTP. Other than that only on vacations.

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Some people on this thread making some mad leaps about a person (Chad) that in reality they know very little about other than a snippet on a podcast once a week. From what I understand (very little) he used to be crazy fast when he was competing and now is happy to do enough training to be able to enjoy riding a bike when he’s out on one. Absolutely nothing wrong with that and has zero to do with his ability to coach.


Wow. I’m impressed. So what’s all that fantastic fitness FOR?

I mean you kill it. But it’s inside. You don’t go ride up a long climb, or do a great route with friends?

You’re not the only user I’ve seen do this.

I’m in utter disbelief.

It’s for Kona.


I agree, massive leaps from many.

But, I’d argue against this point too. It doesn’t sound like he much enjoys riding AT ALL, anymore.

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I have never failed SSBHVI or SSBHVII
This year I started with 2 months of no riding and a CTL of 0

Wow. That’s some impressive dedication.

I wish you the best of luck for your race!

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If he was so fast, how come I never heard of him before I joined TR?



because YouTube was not invented back when he was fast!


I kid… he is probably faster now that I will ever be

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I think this isn’t fair since he followed it up with this

All he’s saying is that it isn’t 100% of the pros which is true, right? This is a 2+ hour podcast that is available once a week, so either of us taking a 1 second caption screen grab really isn’t fair in that it does not provide enough context.


:+1: Possibly one of those “Legends in their own minds” kind of rider :smile:

I’d agree - age may be just as much an encumbrance…“all this modern rubbish, what we did in 1970 worked so why won’t it work now”…26 year olds are less likely to be hide bound.

Aftermath of a serious quarter life crisis. :wink: Thanks for the good wishes though. It’s appreciated.


How can you find TR response in this HUGE thread?


There hasn’t been any.


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Don’t worry, they haven’t made one.

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FWIW … I think Nate bring levity and chemistry to the podcast, and his shenanigans are my favorite part. Conversely, I find Trevor and the other guy on FastLabs almost impossible to listen to … no chemistry, plenty of forced laughter.

So … different strokes, you know?


How does he know it’s not 100%? And what’s his classification of “pro”?

As well, he prefaced that with (paraphrasing) ‘know any pros who became pro by doing POL for their entire career?’, which is an obvious garbage and inflammatory take on ANY training modality.

Did KG get to be pro by doing only sweet spot and threshold for his entire career?

As stated, the commentary should have ended with Chad’s response.

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