My FTP setting experience is a bit different and this happened twice. Ramp test leads to too low of an FTP and I rarely have issues with TR training weeks and spent all last summer doing my TR MV plan and adding in up to 4-5 hrs more on my own.
Turns out it’s almost 30w too low. Here is my post from the Velo subreddit
I’m not the best writer but I will try to make this as short as possible. I just want to share my experience with TrainerRoad, ramp test and other FTP testing methods.
For a while I have questioned my FTP as set by the TR ramp test. My long outdoor rides and power numbers just didn’t seem to jive with the 265 FTP number I had earned on the ramp test In early summer. Prior to that my ramp was 235 in early spring before I started any structured training. With Covid and no racing I spent the summer training consistently, I followed the TR plan builder and set a fake race day for a day I planned to do my own self supported 50mile single track ride in my local trails.
The workouts were mostly done as outdoor workouts and were pretty easy to nail. I alway did extra miles after the workouts because I’m fortunate to live in an area with endless single track and FLO trail and I always need a taste of that after I ride hard.
I spent the Fall just riding for fun, continuing to get major PRs lots of KOMs and Top 10a on segments that many New England pros ride
I felt great.
As I headed into Winter I was looking at what plan I should do and started doing research on training methods, apps etc. I was one of many people commenting on DJ videos and IG posts asking him to review the ramp test and TR plans.
We all know how that went.
So I decided to do Plan Builder again and did a new ramp test to start. Same result as last Summer which I was happy about considering I kept riding 4-5x/week but had no structure so I was happy I didn’t lose much fitness.
The SS workouts continued to feel somewhat hard but not exhausting as I was reading in lots of the comments about TR MV plans smoking people. I felt great, no issues.
I found Empirical Cycling’s FTP test methods as well as Xert. I did his test and looked at Xert data after uploading six months worth of rides.
Both came out to 290 and 292 FTP respectively
Almost a 30 watt difference. Now I look at that and go SWEET! I’m just about 4w/kg and for a skilled MTB that’s decent so I’m in good shape for racing this year. On other hand I say “oh shit” if that’s my FTP then my SS workouts were more endurance pace and if I had it set at 292 I would be smoked like everyone else.
So I sort of have been doing more Endurance work than SS work and have had good results.
This leads me to believe I should look at following a Polarized plan or just modify TR a bit to work for me.
What I really wish was that TR would buy Xert and they could have a baby.
Thanks for reading and I’m open to any insights or comments