Dylan Johnson's "The Problem with TrainerRoad Training Plans": it's gonna be a busy day around here

I have watched it already. It’s an inspiring video.

I can’t argue much with your logic other than that he is riding there at the very peak of his capabilities. It’s a race effort that is fair to assume makes him overreach a bit. Not necessarily the same effort level a FTP test requires. Especially not those hourish protocols.

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My FTP setting experience is a bit different and this happened twice. Ramp test leads to too low of an FTP and I rarely have issues with TR training weeks and spent all last summer doing my TR MV plan and adding in up to 4-5 hrs more on my own.

Turns out it’s almost 30w too low. Here is my post from the Velo subreddit

I’m not the best writer but I will try to make this as short as possible. I just want to share my experience with TrainerRoad, ramp test and other FTP testing methods.

For a while I have questioned my FTP as set by the TR ramp test. My long outdoor rides and power numbers just didn’t seem to jive with the 265 FTP number I had earned on the ramp test In early summer. Prior to that my ramp was 235 in early spring before I started any structured training. With Covid and no racing I spent the summer training consistently, I followed the TR plan builder and set a fake race day for a day I planned to do my own self supported 50mile single track ride in my local trails.

The workouts were mostly done as outdoor workouts and were pretty easy to nail. I alway did extra miles after the workouts because I’m fortunate to live in an area with endless single track and FLO trail and I always need a taste of that after I ride hard.

I spent the Fall just riding for fun, continuing to get major PRs lots of KOMs and Top 10a on segments that many New England pros ride

I felt great.

As I headed into Winter I was looking at what plan I should do and started doing research on training methods, apps etc. I was one of many people commenting on DJ videos and IG posts asking him to review the ramp test and TR plans.

We all know how that went.

So I decided to do Plan Builder again and did a new ramp test to start. Same result as last Summer which I was happy about considering I kept riding 4-5x/week but had no structure so I was happy I didn’t lose much fitness.

The SS workouts continued to feel somewhat hard but not exhausting as I was reading in lots of the comments about TR MV plans smoking people. I felt great, no issues.

I found Empirical Cycling’s FTP test methods as well as Xert. I did his test and looked at Xert data after uploading six months worth of rides.

Both came out to 290 and 292 FTP respectively

Almost a 30 watt difference. Now I look at that and go SWEET! I’m just about 4w/kg and for a skilled MTB that’s decent so I’m in good shape for racing this year. On other hand I say “oh shit” if that’s my FTP then my SS workouts were more endurance pace and if I had it set at 292 I would be smoked like everyone else.

So I sort of have been doing more Endurance work than SS work and have had good results.

This leads me to believe I should look at following a Polarized plan or just modify TR a bit to work for me.

What I really wish was that TR would buy Xert and they could have a baby.

Thanks for reading and I’m open to any insights or comments


Look, I don’t experience the problems you seem to have, the ramp test has always worked very well for me. Usually I can guess the results within maybe 2 W or so, so I have some idea. If you don’t want to call the number-that-the-ramp-test-spits-out FTP, fine. I don’t care, that’s just semantics. This number scales the workouts correctly, and I don’t have regular problems finishing workouts with the exception of some workouts that bring most people close to the breaking point (Bashful +6 is waving at me, and his little brother Baird +6 is grinning already).

I’ve done a hill climb TT. I finished a few seconds under 1:10 hour, so I think this compares to a 40k TT in terms of effort and going all out. A TT and a hill climb TT are slightly different, because you have to vary your power to deal with undulations and deal with sharp turns. And I reckon it is more entertaining for your mind (scenery, other riders, etc.). But nevertheless, I think in terms of efforts, I’d say this is close enough.

I absolutely loved it, by far my favorite race of the season even though I had to get up at 3 am in time for the start at 7 am. I placed around the 50 % mark of the equivalent of Cat 1 (I’m in the equivalent of Cat 3, so I take that as a win), so I think this was my best result, too.

Unfortunately, at the time I used to record my races with my iPhone, and iOS’s Bluetooth stack had a bug. So the Bluetooth connection to my power meter crapped out soon after the start. My average power (according to Strava) was 1 measly Watt. :wink: (I really wish I had the power data from that day for analysis.) But if my other (road) races are anything to go by, I think I would have been pretty close to my FTP. I had intensity factors of >1 on some of them (not exactly the same thing, but then again, a road race is a different beast). If anything, an IF >1 for events that last longer than 1 hour might also indicate that my FTP is too low.

Although I do not think you can overreach on such a long effort — and if you do overreach, your race is probably over.

Is it normal for you to put comments out of their context? Anyway, you got anything to contradict any oft statements?

(1) No track record as a coach.
(2) Biased, flawed, and disingenuous review.
(3) Poor taste to talk down on competitors.
(4) Promoting business

I would say (1) is quite obvious. He even leaves that out on his coaching homepage.
Point (2) we covered yesterday. To sum it up for you: he talks down on his competitors while advertising his plans, merch, and affiliate links without disclosing his conflict of interest.
Point (3) seems to be pretty straight forward for me to. I have never experienced a coach talk down on his competitors. It’s super sketchy.
As per point (4) many have also got that impression. I mean just look at the thumbnail. It’s as clickbaity as it gets.

So what is it of my comments that is of a bullying nature? Which is it? :man_shrugging:

I would think so. Wasn’t his effort around 48 minutes? Well bellow the hour mark.

It’s not the content, it’s your repeated (and redundant) posting of the same insults over and over. Maybe you’re just fishing for more of those likes you claim to have so many of, proof that feeding the trolls is never a good idea.

I’m also more-so just highlighting your valuable contributions in one post for the moderating staff, fishing through 120+ of yours is not an easy task.


It’s an discussion with 2000+ comments. We went full circle several times. If that offends or annoys you just mute the threat. Otherwise feel free to engage in the discussion with actual arguments.

As per my contributions. I already told you yesterday that many seem to have liked them. Otherwise they wouldn’t have liked them, right?

Also quick reminder, as per the forum rules don’t attack the person but the idea!


Our bodies aren’t equipped with clocks, and the lore that FTP = hour power is just that, a lore. I’d read that as “power you can hold for a many minutes if you can endure”. VO2max is the “power you can hold for a handful of minutes”. Of course, these are not scientific definitions, but in a practical sense they tell you what is going on.

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Depending on what page you read in the original paper it’s 50-70 minutes. I mean that’s just the concept behind it, right. What people now make of it is more important. If one can derive good enough zones with a shorter effort that’s perfectly fine. It’s more of a problem though when those shorter efforts lead to an overestimation.

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Yes, you must have missed the reminder


My critics are all only aimed at the discussion piece at hand. I think little of DJ as a coach and entrepreneur and I made that quite clear. You can like that or not. You on the other hand are having a go at me. Quite a difference. :tipping_hand_man:t4:

Anyway, have a good one.

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Hey All,
Doesn’t it seem weird having to tinker this much with plans to make them sustainable (“ Knock 5% off the intensity of the VO2/Super threshold work or try easier versions - I do this all the time”)?

Maybe I’ve been reading a bit too much of the Dylan Johnson thread, but I’m in the exact same situation. I’ve trained with structure and indoors for ~5 years (310 FTP) to race things like Liege, Amstel Gold, La Mormontte and others while working 80-90 hr weeks and since switching to TR August last year I’ve been in the same patter of completing 3-4 weeks, burning out, taking some easy time and then trying to restart with some type of tinkering.

I absolutely love the app and interface, the forum and the podcast but I’m starting to doubt if the approach approach is for me and thinking if I should switch back to some of the other platforms I’ve used (eg Sufferfest which got me super fit).

As some of the others, I don’t think this answers the original question but also wanted to share :grinning:


So calling him “a shitshow of a nobody” or saying “tr replying is like a pro engaging a 5 year old” are replies to the topic at hand? Or more like repeated jabs at the person? :face_with_monocle:


Apparently you’re not and you should spend more time riding at/near FTP.


It’s super weird that you continuously try to reframe stuff people have said to make them look bad.

This is what you claim I said:

This is what I actually said:

For what it’s worth, I called him a nobody (context: in the coaching world) which he is. How would it be any different. He is super young and simply hasn’t had the chance to build a reputation. We will see in 10-15 years whether he will be able to do so or not.
His YouTube presence I called a shitshow which I think it is. It’s clickbaity and seems to be aimed at pushing his business by creating as many controversies as possible.


Nobody refers to a person, not a thing. Nice try though

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What’s the nice try. Calling you out on continuously trying to reframe what I have said and ultimately going so far to downright lie?

I have set the record straight. That’s all I had left to say to you. Would be appreciated if you stop approaching me.

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Back to topic, this whole thing made me tweak SPB MV into this, so we will see how it goes. :muscle:t4:


Your vo2 max will probably go up, you will be more fresh. Your FTP from ramp test will definitely improve. Not sure about FTP from long test and muscle endurance. My prediction based on nothing :slight_smile:

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