Elite Square ... everything you wanted from the Zwift Ride

Great work, the super nice part about virtual gears is that these work with all trainers!

From DC:
„Of course, the even more interesting thing here is that you can actually pair this frame with any trainer, not just Elite trainers. That’s because, in effect, the Square is attaching to its own little cassette of sorts. So, for a 3rd party trainer, you can just mount that new belt-cassette onto the existing trainer using existing free hub standards.“

And per comment:
„ the virtual shifiting Elite has developed in the Square works with no connection at all with any indoor training app. That means it works with any smart trainer of both Elite and other brands al long as they come with FEC communication protocol. Indeed the trainer only will be connected to the software while the Square won’t. So yes the Direto XR is compatible and works superbly well. And again, since the Square virtual shifting is not controlled by any app’s protocol, it can work with all these apps.
The trainer will be controlled both by Square (virtual shifting) and by the app (e.g. braking while you hit a climb).“