Emphasis on Volume or intensity?

Did you read this study? The conclusion was

“Therefore, the present study suggests that CP was more likely to be determined by mitochondrial content, rather than intrinsic mitochondrial respiration.”

Go look up Gollnick study from 1973. Here is the abstract:

On a limited budget (under 8 hours/week on average) I’ve proven to myself that:

  • Intensity works (2016-2017)
  • Volume works (2020-2023)

It’s not if you listen to and read from trusted sources.

One adaptive signal for increasing mitochondria is low-intensity muscle contractions. From the paper you referenced in the original post, their conclusion was that FTP/CP/MLSS/etc was more likely to be determined by mitochondrial content (the amount or number of mito) rather than mito respiration (ability to use oxygen).

You need both, but to use an analogy, it is better to build up a large number of engines than to make a smaller number more efficient.

@Jose_Manuel to clarify look at this post I made recently: