Emphasis on Volume or intensity?

All pretty confusing.
How about:

  • increasing volume of low intensity exercise increases slow energy systems
  • increasing volume of high intensity exercise increases fast energy systems
  • one can happen in parallel to the other but all is ultimately limited by your ability to recover
  • depending on the dominant type of fibers in your lower body muscles one of both could have more impact on your abilities or also not

You can get there either way. Duration or intensity or a combination if talking about TSS.

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Maybe, but It depends on where you are trying to get to. Most people have to cut back on the intensity at some point if they want to keep pushing up TSS without getting into overtraining.

Totally agree, | never mentioned the merits of either approach. Just the fact it is a choice.

Exactly my point, TSS isn’t a pure volume metric. It’s an attempt at a single load metric, which some may say works and others not.

Not all TSS is equal as they say.