Endurance rides feel absolutely useless

  • Edited early Dec 18 to clarify, since I think there are two potential aspects related to the statement above:
  1. Manually added workouts MAY affect AT via Progression Levels.

    • Manually added workouts performed in the TR app WILL be considered by AT. They WILL increase a rider’s Progression Level in the associated training zones if the workout exceeds current PL.

    • This also works for TR outside workouts when following their instructions and getting the association between the planned and completed workouts.

  2. Manually added workouts will NOT get adapted by AT.

    • Only Plan Builder created or ad-hoc plans (full plans added manually) to the calendar get altered by AT.

This is just a good point (difference between endurance %’s varying per rider)

There are definitely plenty of higher IF “endurance” rides you could do that are in the 1-2h range. Look at James, Gibraltar-3, low saddle, beehive, boarstone, polar bear -3. These are all 2 hours or less and would take your endurance PLs into the 5.x range.

Thank you for the clarification @mcneese.chad. I thought I had either read on the forum somewhere or heard in a podcast that manual entries were ignored by AT and that only PB and individual block additions OR TN workouts were subject to adaptations.

Happy to hear that’s not the case.

ETA, I took a swing at revising my statement above to properly cover all the related aspects

I need to reply on PC later (and when I’m more awake), but i think we are talking about 2 different things. Likely a misread be me or lack of clarity before.

One works, one does not. I will clarify soon. But in short:

  • Manually added workouts MAY affect AT via Progression Levels (per my comments above).

  • Manually added workouts will NOT get adapted by AT. As you said, only Plan Builder or ad-hoc plans added to the calendar get altered by AT.


I was going to add this for clarification but I see you have now.

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Yeah, I know I took the comment above in one particular context (which is related) but feel there were two angles hinted at. So upon re-read this AM, I figured it was worth a 2nd pass.

To the thread title, I did Sandy Bay (2h 15m endurance) after 3h 30m MTB ride out at Ford Ord on Saturday. When the TR survey popped up, I rated the endurance as HARD with the factor being Training Fatigue. I can feel the two days worth in my legs, so definitely NOT useless for me. Thankfully today is a rest day.

I was just checking out your profile to see what might be up – it looks like you’re at the end of your current block, so you may have an FTP bump coming up soon!

It seems like you may have already been using Workout Alternates, which can be an awesome tool in these situations. As you dial in where your current Progression Level is for your Endurance zone, you’ll start to get better and better recommendations plugged in for you by Adaptive Training.

Be sure to remember that we don’t want your Endurance days to be too hard, though – save the best in your legs for your structured interval days!


I always prioritize HR and feel over power on endurance days

I want to feel like I’m working while being able to have a conversation and not have any burn in the legs

I also think about the goal for the week to determine whether I should be in the upper, mid, or lower end of the range



Definitely have been using workout alternates. I was just very surprised that the VO2 workout alternatives ramped up in difficulty VERY quickly, but the endurance ones didn’t do that at all. So, I was trying to keep them within the scope of what it was recommending to me.

I feel like these PLs are very wrong, though. I’m guessing that sticking with AT will make these somewhat more equal? What should this look like, ideally?

Wow. That’s nuts. I’d expect your endurance to be in the high 3’s to low 4’s if you only ride indoors, 5-6 if long outdoor rides. Your v02 is batsh*t crazy off the charts yet your threshold barely registers. I’d expect those two to be closely aligned with a slightly higher threshold PL than Vo2. SS/tempo can have a lot more variation. Unless of course you’re racing next week and training for a 3 min TT. :joy:

Take some control back. Pick z2 rides that have you around the .7 IF and work on your threshold.

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Some of that may be a result of how TR calculates progression levels. Here’s mine:

I avoid workouts in the range of FTP % that TR calls threshold. But do long SS intervals (60 mins at 90%), and VO2max workouts. But TR shows my threshold progression level at 1.5.

Yeah that makes sense. OP on the otherhand has his anaerobic PL almost double his tempo/SS/threshold.

According to the zones in TP ,that are attributed to you that range would appear to be Z3.
This is why it gets so confusing because not only do experts have different ideas, percentages and what to anchor the percentages to, but also there seem to be different ranges from interpretations from even the same source.

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i can’t for the life of me understand why TR doesn’t factor this into their model. do endurance riding just at the level where it doesn’t f%^k up your hard days. and do lots of it!


Agreed! But I think suggesting lots of easy endurance riding on the trainer is just simply not lucrative for most riders, as for many it is both excruciatingly boring and hurts their butt :smiley: Most of my riding friends agree that doing more easy endurance would be good, but they just can’t stand the boredom and end up doing zwift racing, threshold or sweetspot etc. on the trainer instead.

2 hours indoors is about my limit for endurance rides, both from a boredom and comfort perspective. I also do weight training 3-4 days a week and soccer 2 days a week, so I just don’t have that much extra time to dedicate to long endurance rides. I would rather add an extra day or two with endurance rides than make the endurance days I have any longer.

Agree. A lot of reasonable stuff has already been said on the thread for the OP to ponder, but taking back some control is what I’d also suggest.

For endurance workouts in particular, I’d forget about outsourcing responsibility to TR or other bunch of software: just ride, whether on trainer or outside, for as long as you have available, at an “endurance” level that you feel will be productive but which won’t fatigue you to a degree that interferes with your subsequent hard workouts.

Forget about PLs for these endurance workouts, and ditch Erg mode for them. Just select any old workout, such as eg. Recess (1hr), to get the workout player running, then extend the time as necessary so that it keeps the player running for as long as you wish your workout to last, and just ride at an intensity “feel” as described above. See 1 million other “Z2” threads for inspiration, if required. :wink:

Maybe TR should create some “Endurance Workout” button/option that makes it simple to do the above, while binning all the PL stuff for these types of workouts. Perhaps some folks need these guardrails for endurance workouts, but for most people I’ve the impression they’re just constraining them and interfering with their attempts to do what feels sensible/appropriate. :person_shrugging:

#edited to remove a term that some might find offensive - forgot I was in a civilized part of the internet here! :eyes:


As I can see here, these workouts are enough for two people. :slight_smile:
I have to ask, your resting time is enough? Do you have an optimal diet?
-Weight training causes microinjuries in the muscles.
-Soccer equals with sprint trainings depends on your position on the field (ok, it gives you a small endurance because of the 2*45’).
-Your VO2 Max PL is out of ceiling.
According to all of these “hard trainings”, I recommend to extend the endurance time, not the intensity.