I’m just getting into KBs and really strength training in general (my new 2020 strength regime is basically: do strength training). I’ve got some KBs and bodyweight workouts and honestly I’m surprised at how much I’m enjoying it (3x per week right now, kicking my ass during this build phase).
You all are way stronger than I (5’10" male, FTP=296 watts). Today I was swinging my 16kg bell for the first time (I had been swinging the 12kg bell previously) and doing turkish get-ups with the 8kg. I can’t imagine doing a get up with the 16kg.
I’ve been loosely doing the ‘KettleHell’ program from the AllOut Fitness App (good content, crappy app) along with some other workouts culled from the interwebs. I will definitely checkout Simple and Sinister, I need something new. Just from a quick search, I can’t tell, is S&S a program-type thing, or is it just the single workout 100 swings + 10 getups?
I did the swings, squats, and farmer carry with my 16kg and the getups with the 8kg. 16kg is a little light for the carry, so I added some stairs to that.
I’ve been loosely doing the ‘KettleHell’ program from the AllOut Fitness App (good content, crappy app) along with some other workouts culled from the interwebs. I will definitely checkout Simple and Sinister, I need something new. Just from a quick search, I can’t tell, is S&S a program-type thing, or is it just the single workout 100 swings + 10 getups?
Loosely, yes but you ramp up to it, make sure you’ve got pristine form, and once you reach a certain number and comfort level, you go up one pood… which make you start back down from scratch. It’s usually not as incremental as the dumbells in the kettlebell world (yes you can technically buy them in 5lbs increments) but usually they get you to go from say 1 pood (35lbs) to 2 pood (75 lbs) to 3 pood (105lbs) (etc)
You might go into the half poods for things like getups.
I’m not a strong guy, and i can do a getup with 16kg, i just gotta be very careful of how i hold myself. Starting with smaller and getting form down is key though
Dude I did getups 5 days a week for almost year, the progression is the result of sticking to a program, that’s the point I was trying to make. And now that I’ve slacked off, I am back to my natural T-Rex state.
Also I have a genetic advantage, I’m 6’2" 200#. I can barely ride a bike uphill.
Bought the Yes4All Set from Amazon a few years back…including 70and 80lbs bells…Gotta love prime shipping!! Enter the Kettlebell program is good but I’m hooked on the Simple and Sinister program because it’s so quick and easy.
Love some kettlebells and he is hilarious. Convict conditioning books are also pretty entertaining. I noticed when I clicked in the link those videos are also on prime for free. Never watched them but worth a look possibly.
The program is great for beginners starting out in the calishthenics world. Builds a good base and you can get decent levels of strength out of it. The books are pretty dogmatic so you gotta take some and leave some but the program in itself has good value. For anyone interested, read at least both the 1st and 2nd books as they kinda complete each other.
Woot! I know this is pretty small potatoes, but I’m happy to announce that I just did my set of Turkish Get-Ups with a 16kg bell for the first time. I started get-ups about six weeks ago at 8kg, then moved to a 20lb dumbell, then a 12kg bell, and now 16kg. I could do 12kg on my left side when I started, but only 8kg on my right. I wanted to keep it even so I always do the same weight on both sides, even though my left is stronger.
I know 16kg is pretty light in the strength world, but I’m psyched!!
I managed to find a single 20kg kettlebell to purchase online and it should be arriving this week… I am starting to get decent at pistol squats and other body weight exercises but it will be nice to switch it up.