The sense of being strangled, drowning during longer VO2 intervals or the toughest over-unders, is that EIB/EIA? My main struggle becomes gasping for air - not primarily pain in the legs. Finally when I’m out of breath and my chest hurts, I lose sensation and power in my legs, no matter what my brain wants. Is this what I’m describing a “healthy” sensation or is it EIB/EIA?
Afterwards, after a shower, I cough and clear my throat of mucus for 1-2 hours. Not sure if that is normal either.
Am I just going hard, as I’m supposed to, or can this be alleviated by medication?
No - I don’t think “strangled” sounds healthy. I’d get tested for asthma. My kid describes the strongest pain when he gets it, is a terrible cold sensation in his lungs - like a burning frost bite sensation. He of course looses all strength and mental clarity.
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Sounds like exercise induced asthma. Which is what I’m dealing with. Suffocating is better to describe it, ha. That’s how I felt doing full gas intervals/races and had to take everything off - glasses, helmet etc. I thought it was normal. It’s not. Go get checked out. It will change your life.
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