@mattbly86 If you read my response to @kurt.braeckel you will get my view (guess?) as to why the MV and HV plans are different, or at least why HV doesn’t include threshold, VO2Max and neuromuscular work.
As to my “hybrid” approach: I’m guessing again, but I suspect that there are only so many plans that Coach Chad could put together without being unwieldy and confusing.
I’m probably not the typical user for a couple of reasons: 1) I’m coming in to TR with likely a higher base than most users (on pace to exceed 27,000 TSS this year despite a very light first 4 months of the year (and want to maintain that load), and 2) I have the software tools (TP Premium and WKO4) and knowledge to manage my load and fatigue (CTL, ATL, and TSB) and performance metrics. So I use (and love) the structure of Coach Chad’s workouts (and at this juncture, the SSB MV plan), but need to adjust them to meet my training philosophy (described early in response to @bbarrera ) and performance goals.
ps. I’m looking forward to the pain I will certainly encounter in threshold, VO2Max and neuromuscular sprints