Feature Request: Extend recovery period between intervals

Shorter recoveries give more adaptation.

That’s not what the abstract says. The abstract says:

Nowhere does the abstract state that shorter recoveries lead to any performance improvement compared to longer recoveries. From the abstract, it doesn’t look like they were attempting to see if a course of HIIE with shorter intervals improved VO2 max compared to the same HIE. So the study (at least from reading the abstract) doesn’t support your contention.

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Nate made a mention on the podcast once that it would be interesting to calculate the workout stats to include any time taken for longer recovery periods or breaks in the workout - with the underlying being that TSS would/could change due to the extended recovery.

If this came as a feature, I think it would come in tandem or following IF the above was put in place.

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@AlphaDogCycling +1 on the request.

I have solved this problem through the use of Workout Creator. The night prior to every workout (or sooner), I import a workout into WC. I always add a warmup (the Extend WU feature is nice, but not as good for me as my custom warmups). Analyzing the workout ahead of time and knowing my HR recovery post intervals, I will adjust the RI interval where appropriate. In a similar fashion, while my base fitness is high, I can simultaneously increase the interval (e.g. change 5x9 O/Us to 6x12s) or # of intervals. IMO Workout Creator is the hidden gem in TR’s offering.

@ErickVH The article appears to be a quality one, but not applicable across all workouts. Coach Chad’s workouts all have specific goals. As an example, his sweet spot sessions are generally focused on muscular endurance. By not allowing adequate recovery between intervals, then an athlete may not be able to complete the prescribed set of intervals and therefore not achieve the muscular endurance gains intended (i.e. adjusting RI is entirely appropriate). Conversely, some anaerobic and neuromuscular workouts are intentionally intended not to allow you to recover to an aerobic (Z2) or even tempo (Z3) heart rate level in order to help you improve your anaerobic threshold (i.e. you should try to complete with the prescribed RI (or adjust minimally). I might suggest that you read Joe Friel’s “The Cyclists Training Bible” for a deeper understanding of the 6 skills developed by a complete cycling training program.


People have different CP & W‘, even with same FTP.

You really should stick to your bike for TR… I dread to think where you mount the power meter…


I’d like this feature as well


I like the workout creator app but it requires planning ahead. Sometimes you just know you need that extra minute mid workout, when your legs refuse to shut up.




I also use workout creator, but that doesn’t solve the problem, unless I know in advance that I will need extra time between specific long intervals / interval sets. My suggestion is more of “an on the fly adjustability” request.

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I support this request, but it should really just be an option to extend any interval, whether rest interval or work interval. Plenty of situations where either would be appropriate.

Yes, I recognize the need for a during the workout adjustment. So far the WC approach is working for me because when I review the workout the night before and look at both the intervals and RI, I have a pretty good sense at the RI I will need. and it’s easier to be conservation (e.g. add a min or 2). BTW: In addition to the ability to extend the RI on the fly, it would also be nice to be able to reduce it. Not often, but some days I am well rested and don’t need the full 6, 7 or 8 mins. Good suggestion, though.

The whole back pedal thing…I’ve done this a couple times and it pauses the workout for me so I have a question. Is the clock supposed to continue or does it stop?

with auto-pause it will stop the clock. You can configure this setting in the app, before starting a workout.


+1 for this idea. For me it could make the difference between completely finishing a workout (with slightly extended recovery intervals) and failing out of the workout.
The problem with pausing is that I want to keep the legs turning to shift some of the byproducts.
The problem with backpedalling is that I’m still eating up that precious recovery time.

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+1 would love to see this implemented. Would be a matter of making the “extend” button available throughout the workout, not only during warm up/cooldown


I was wondering if there’s anything in the works around adding the “extend” feature to every interval, not just warm up/ cool down?

For instance, there have been a few instances where I’ve felt great on some threshold or vo2 max intervals and have wanted to add a minute or two on to the rather than bumping up intensity. I know you can do this by switching to resistance mode, but then recovery valleys are effected.

It would also be very handy for the sessions with large blocks of endurance at the end. For instance, I did elephants +4 today and wanted to make it two hours. At present I would either have to extend the cool down and mess about with the intensity, or load Taku up afterwards. It would be super handy to just be able to add 30 minutes on to the endurance block with a few clicks of a button. Makes me more likely to actually commit to the extra time too… ha!

Should be fairly simple considering the software already supports the functionality?


I agree, sometimes I want to add time at end of ride and I have to bump it 50% to have tension on the pedals

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+1 would be very welcome.

I use the resistance mode workaround and it’s clumsy. (Other workaround would be to set the time back but that’s even more clumsy and you lose data.)

@Bryce Super cool would be to have a switch that enables a “dynamic interval mode” that “keep the interval power target after the interval as long as I pedal (hard)”.
Then you have a short drop in power or stop/backpadel (or alternately click the switch again to disable) and you are in the recovery.
Hope you get the idea!

BTW: Same principle as the OP request just for the recovery phase: