Feature request: sh*tbreak

My 8 year old son has discovered the joy of quiet time on the pot. He takes his Tin Tin book in and disappears for at least 45 minutes. I’m so proud of him


Keep us updated for when he starts asking for your iPad… :rofl:


enjoy the go - classic

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I do agree, BUT I do wish TR would keep recording time when it is paused, so looking back you could see 2x20 with 4 min break, was actually 2x20 + 11 minute break, so when comparing workouts you had all the information, not thinking “I did the second interval so much better, I wonder if I had a s%t in the middle so was more rested”


The problem with these apps is it makes people think the rest break is supposed to be time limited, it’s not. Whether you do your next 20 minutes in 5 minutes or an hour, it doesn’t matter. If you take a 20 minute crap, it has no impact on your training.

Are you saying that Ainslie +4 gives the same training effect as Crag?

They’re both 6×4’@ 105%. Ainslie +4’s recoveries between intervals are four minutes; Crag’s are 45 seconds.

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I think hes trying to say that its the same provided your HR comes down to baseline level. 5min or 10 min will in that sense be atleast similar.

As you say though, workouts with inadequate recovery times through design would be very different if you started adding time.

This thread did make me laugh though :laughing:


That sounds like a fair differentiation. Thank you. :pray: