FTP Estimation versus Progression levels

Yes, the ATI FTP Detection is pretty sophisticated, but you arent getting credit for your custom workouts to impact your PLS accurately yet.

Levels 2.0 will account for all the work you’re doing reflected in you Progression Levels and Adaptations. Although if you’re not using Plan Builder, that wont impact AT making recommendations for future workouts based upon even the unstructured rides you’re doing.

Your Progression Levels do not dictate the work assigned to you, Plan Builder and suggested adaptations to progress your fitness per energy system (based upon your goals) do.
I think you may be looking at this like since your PLs are low, you’re not being assigned hard workouts to get you faster. Thats not how Adaptive Training is designed, PLs are just a reflection of what you’ve been doing and what you’re current abilities are within the scope of TrainerRoad workouts (for now, soon in the scope of every activity).
More on Progression Levels here: