FTP over 50 years

51 (well, 52 in 20 days) FTP = 216 @ 3.35 W/KG with this morning’s weigh-in. Hoping to get to 4 W/KG by the end of 2019.

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Nearly 56 and took up cycling about 6 years ago and racing/structured training 3 1/2 years ago

69-70kg and 284 FTP, so a little over 4 w/kg with a Neo indoors and Assioma Duo’s outdoor

Finding it hard to push beyond this, but would like to crack 300. Maybe I need to do the strength work I know I should be doing!

You are still a youngster :slight_smile:

This is great! Congrats!

I highly encourage this. It will be more important than you may realize at the moment when you hit 60 and the earlier you can develop a rhythm, the better.

FWIW: I’ll be 62 shortly. A combo of fatigue resistance training and strength training got me from 3.0 to 3.5. But more important to me than FTP has been TTE (ability to hold FTP) that I have reached 63mins and Stamina in the mid 80s (a measure of multi-hour endurance).

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Thanks @bobmac

Strength work is just about prioritising it ahead of another workout. Easier said than done, but I need to.

Re TTE & Stamina, are you monitoring those through WKO? I am just trialling it and came across both measures. Stamina of 82 I think, but I havent delved into what that actually means yet.

For me, strength work has not been about prioritizing, but rather about building a training schedule that includes workouts and strength training. My recoveries are longer than most, but my workouts are harder (too much to explain in a short post). [CTL is currently in the 80s, but I’ll get that back into the 90s by Sept/Oct]

I use TP Premium and WKO4/5. PMC data (available in both) allow me to grow CTL and achieve Time in Zone (TiZ) targets while making sure I control the ramp rate and get the recovery I need. And yes, I use WKO4 (and now WKO5) to monitor FRC, TTE, Stamina and several other metrics important for the stuff I train for.

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btw: I don’t know if you have seen it elsewhere including an earlier post or have read it already, but a book I find interesting and useful is Joe Friel’s Fast after 50.


Thanks. I have read it, but it is probably definitely worth a re read a few years of ageing on!

I just got through the latest edition of Training & Racing with a Power Meter which sent me down the track of WKO5. One of the case studies was uncannily similar to myself and the analysis and plan for improvement was an eye opener on what i could be doing to improve.

I’ll go back through this thread too. I only stumbled across it this morning and skimmed through. Seems to be some real gems in it.

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@PWeber, they are very good numbers at 56. I’m 63 and am at a FTP of 235 at 65 kg and not really expecting to increase much more, happy to retain this as I get older. My FTP allows me to race respectively and get top 3s in my age category, so you should expect fast riding with your figures. As regards strength training, I just work on Core and upper body and keep my legs fresh for riding.


I’m 59 and am about six months into coming back from 9 months off the bike due to hip problems. My FTP has been increasing continuously and is now 262W. Prior to the hip problems, when I was 57, my FTP was 275. When I first got a powermeter at age 49 my FTP was about 325. Weight has been fairly stable at 85kg/1.83m tall.

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Im 60 next summer, what is encouraging is the fact that my end of the year ftp-s for 2017, 2018 and 2019 are 207, 214 and 221, thanks to Trainerroad. OK, my weight for those moments are 72- 73- 74 kg… definitely not gained muscle :roll_eyes: But this gives my motivation to carry on training at wintertime here in Finland :slight_smile:


I’m 51 - an ex runner - My TR measured FTP from my most recent ramp test is 295W at 60.7kg. However I time trial in the UK and the best power I put out in a 25 mile tt in 2019 (kind of hour power - well a bit less as my time was 55:00) was 259W on my time trial bike so either the ramp test over estimates my power a bit or I am a bit better at getting it through the pedals on the road bike!


I will be racing 54 this year, Cat. 3 Master. Been racing about 15 yrs, recreational riding for 25+. 2019 was my first year training with TR. For many years, I had (loosely) followed Joe Freil’s Training Bible…I say loosely, because I’d get through base phase, and all structure would go out the window. TrainerRoad gave me the ongoing structure in the build and race phases, and that allowed me to really make strides this past year.
I started MV plan in Feb 2019, with an FTP of 204. I finished the road season and entered 'Cross season in Sept. with an FTP of 245. What I can say for sure is that I performed way better this season than in year’s past. My weight was down an additional 5 pounds or so, and I was able to hang in the pack in the Masters 50+ races. I did get spit out the back on a couple P123 races I entered. On the climbs, I was sitting in, where before I was getting dropped. I was mentally tougher and was able to rely on my consistent training. Also, I live in New England, and weather & darkness was a non-issue for me this year. I do admit that I thought I would see greater FTP gains in the build and race phases. I went: 204, 229, 242, 245. I also have to admit that the ramp test messes with my head (ouch), but the workouts felt pretty spot-on, so I think I was just about right…maybe could have pushed slightly more.
I am going to try a High Volume plan starting approx. Feb. 1, and hoping to have an even better season this year. Lose a bit more weight, and try to inch up that FTP even more!


I’m 60, weigh 86kg and my current FTP is 250W so 2.9W/kg.

I started with TR about four years ago but then let the account lay unused until about 8 weeks ago. I’m doing SSBLV and am in the middle of LV2.

First target is 3W/kg. Dropping to 83kg (also a target + maybe a bit more) would see that happen but getting another 14W might not be too hard. After that it’s seeing how far I can push things.

I don’t road race but do MTB long distance ITTs (Individual Time Trials) - think along the lines of the Tour Divide. Thus I’m perhaps more interested in “raising the floor” rather than “raising the ceiling”.


This may be the thread I can share my growth as a rider. Background: I’ll turn 61 in Feb 2020. Started riding 4 years ago after some knee injury that was treated with stem cell injections. I have a history of ultra distance events with 10 ultra marathons and 5 trail marathons under my belt. Raced ultra distance flat water kayaks for a couple years with a 3rd place finish at the MR340 KC to St Louis on the Missouri River, 340 miles in 47 hours. Then all the associated training and racing to support those efforts. Winter 2019 I rode indoors via Spinervals videos on a spin bike and came out hot in the spring with a good year of racing to include a podium at the Dakota 5-0 in the 60 and over (Old Farts) category. I bought a Kickr Core late spring and did the 20 minute ftp test at 208.

Started Nov 2019 with TR and did a couple weeks learning the platform before beginning SSBMV1. I tested at 222 at the beginning of that block. I was just finishing up the block when the release of Plan Builder came out so it had me start the same block over and I figured why not. Tested at 222 again and I’m off and riding. I’m floating around 80k body weight right now even with Christmas eating, yeah me.

Goals for 2020 is drop 3-5k of weight and add 30 or more watts to the ftp. I want to get over 3 w per k for summer gravel and mountain bike races. More to follow as I roll through the TR program. Got to get fast, there are plenty of young men that need to get their butt kicked by a grey beard.


I [quote=“lamonts, post:94, topic:4458, full:true”]
went: 204, 229, 242, 245. I also have to admit that the ramp test messes with my head (ouch), but the workouts felt pretty spot-on, so I think I was just about right…maybe could have pushed slightly more.


I still dread the ftp test too! At least it’s only 5 minutes or so of torture :grin: with the ramp.

Nice ftp gains :+1:t3: Heading into knee surgery in 2020 so we’ll see how my A event plan works out.

I’m 53 and have been back on the bike since spring 2012, but have never done any type of training; just your typical group and solo rides, century rides and everything in between. I purchased a Stages PM a couple years ago and pitty-pattied around with it a bit, but nothing really serious. What really got me interested in training was going to a seminar where a cycling coach presented their company’s program and I got to thinking that I wanted to give this a try. I researched and found TR - much cheaper than a coach for someone that wanted to dip their toes in the water first.

I have always hated indoor trainers, but this year I decided to have an open mind to indoor cycling, if you will, using a trainer. TR has made the experimentation/transition a lot easier and interesting - gotta work to hit those training marks. This is my first dance with any type of on bike training, so I am letting TR strip me down and build me back up and letting the chips fall where they may - for now. In other words, I am just following the structured plans and will see where they take me. It’s been 5 weeks now.

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A bit of back story to my previous post as I was in a bit of a rush when I posted it.

I’ve 40+ years of mountain activities prior to cycling being my full time sport. That’s rock climbing and mountaineering plus fell* walking and running. I’ve thus got a pretty decent aerobic base. I also grew up on a farm and as my dad used to say: “Hard work never hurt anyone, only the thought of it” so when faced with a workout it’s just a case of getting on with it.

  • “fell” is a northern English term for a hill or mountain. Originates from Norse when the Vikings were in charge round here.

I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. If you stay true to the plan, you’ll have a one-up on any rider that’s not doing structured work. TR definitely has some tough days during build and specialty, but well worth it. You’ll be better physically and mentally.

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Interesting thread, I wish there was a way to make it into a survey so we could see a distribution vs age.
To the O/P, as many said here, it’s not about the absolute watts but really W/kg.
Just turned 50 last month and been hovering right below the mythical 4.0W/kg mark.
The biggest challenge with age is weight gain (imho) and I find it way harder to drop weight than to gain power.

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Bell Curve posted from Nate himself which always gives you a good perspective of where you are.