My ftp is often 88-90% of 5-minute vo2max, and I find the ramp test harder than 8-minute protocol. The ramp test often (but not always) under-estimate my ftp and I have to manually adjust ftp setting. And usually I need to adjust longer vo2 workouts from 120% down to 112% (setting intensity in TR app to 93%). According to the podcast there is nothing wrong with that according to Coach Chad (see summary above). I’ve read all the papers that Coach Chad has referenced, some solid data that working above FTP is highly variable and individualized.
Based on forum discussions and other reading, I believe the ramp test is good for setting a max 5-minute vo2max power. And so I continue using it to establish an upper bound on vo2 work, and to track changes after doing a block of vo2 (either TR build plan, or an actual block in order to be prepared for TR build plan).